
3 Days Down

I have made it three days.  Yesterday/evening wasn’t bad.  I didn’t feel like cooking, so Laura had chicken nuggets and I had chicken patty sandwich.  Last night got to be a true challenge and test for me.  Warren was up 3 times.  The first was from 11-11;50, then 1-1:40, then 3-5 this morning.  By 4am […]



Where Does the Time Go?

Today is my 4th Mother’s Day.  I count my first as when I was pregnant with Laura.  If she would have come then, she would have had a great chance of survival.  It never ceases to amaze me how fast time seems to go where the kids are involved.  I have a hard time believing […]



Why hello there!

I feel like is in fast forward again. Last week Tuesday and Wednesday were used to clean the house. Wednesday night we had our Bon Jovi concert. It was AWESOME! I would love to go again. I worked Thursday and Friday. Those were tough days due to lack of sleep (I think about 4 hours […]



Good Friday

Today is a big day of the Easter weekend.  It is the day that Jesus was hung on the cross.  I was driving past a church this morning, and I saw a sign that really struck me.  “Our sins put Jesus on the cross.  His love kept him there.”  It reminds me that no matter […]




One of the big things emphasized while I was going to school for my education degree was reflection.  I have found myself doing that a lot with my parenting.  I keep coming up with things that I would like to try differently with Laura, or do differently with Warren, or things that I feel I […]



Updates and Milestone

First the milestone.  Warren has his first tooth!  It finally broke through on Tuesday, March 2.  I think there is a second one close behind the way he is still chomping on his Nuk and drooling. I feel like I’ve crested the top of a roller coaster and am now screaming at top speed down […]



Not sure

I feel like I should post, but I am not sure what to write about at this point.  I am getting so tired and frustrated with things but at the same time things are going well.  Warren still isn’t sleeping through the night.  He is starting to consistently get up at 12:30 or so to […]



Sick of sickness

I am so ready for our house to be healthy again.  Laura went to bed tonight with a slight fever.  I hope it isn’t anything major.  The poor girl should get a break soon.  I am starting to get over my cold.  Warren seems to be improving, but he still coughs and has a runny […]

Warren has rolled over.  He rolled from back to tummy on Friday while we were at my parent’s house.  I was actually gone getting my haircut, so I didn’t see it.  I’m ok with it.  I see so many of his firsts that I’m ok not seeing this one. On the sickness front, Laura is […]




Here I am once again journaling in the wee hours of the morning.  Warren woke up at 1:00 to eat.  I haven’t been able to fall back asleep since.  Laura getting sick has really hit me harder than I thought.  It is so scary having your baby be sick and not being able to do […]