
Weekend Recap

I honestly can’t remember a lot of my weekend. I’ll do what I can for a recap: Friday – I had my weekly morning coffee at church.  Robert stayed home with both kids so I could have a bit of a break.  After coffee was over, I went to the local strawberry patch and picked […]



Birthday Recap

Laura’s birthday party went well.  We had a decent turnout for it.  She ended up with two princess dresses, swim suit, couple of water toys, and books.  I still need to write the thank you notes.  I’m hoping to get that done in the next day or two.  As a gift from Mom and Dad, […]



Dentist Freak Out

This morning was Laura’s dentist appointment.  I had hoped she’d go back on her own, but that wasn’t going to happen.  It took a bit to even get her to sit in the chair.  As soon as the chair moved up, she started freaking out.  It only went down hill.  We didn’t get her teeth […]



3 Days Down

I have made it three days.  Yesterday/evening wasn’t bad.  I didn’t feel like cooking, so Laura had chicken nuggets and I had chicken patty sandwich.  Last night got to be a true challenge and test for me.  Warren was up 3 times.  The first was from 11-11;50, then 1-1:40, then 3-5 this morning.  By 4am […]



More sickness

Laura slept until past 8 this morning.  I knew that something was up.  She only sleeps that late when she is sick.  She woke up with a fever of 101… and orange gunk draining out of her ear (and yes, gunk is a very technical term).  I knew immediately that she had an ear infection.  […]

Warren has rolled over.  He rolled from back to tummy on Friday while we were at my parent’s house.  I was actually gone getting my haircut, so I didn’t see it.  I’m ok with it.  I see so many of his firsts that I’m ok not seeing this one. On the sickness front, Laura is […]



Sick Baby Girl

One of the hardest parts of being a parent (at least that I’ve encountered so far) is seeing your baby sick.  Laura woke up Friday morning with a fever.  I should have known something was up even then because she slept until 8:45 when I had to wake her up.  Throughout the day the fever […]



4 Months Old

I can’t believe that my baby boy is 4 months old already. Time has flown by in some regards, but not in others. Warren had his 4 month well baby check yesterday. He weighed 17 pounds 1 ounce. He is 25 1/4 inches long. I don’t remember head circumference, but it was in the 50%. […]



The untitled post

I have no idea what to title tis post, so it’s going to just be untitled.  Laura had a humorous moment this morning.  She told me she wanted a pop-tart for breakfast.  I had no problem with it.  I got one out of the closet for her.  She wanted to hold it.  She then informed […]



Doctor Appointment

I had my 6 week post partum check this morning. I had Melissa watch Warren and Laura for me so I didn’t have to worry about them. Laura apparently has developed severe stranger anxiety. She just stood by the wall and didn’t talk at all the entire time I was gone (30 minutes or so). […]