
Depression Sucks

I have been back on my meds for close to a year now.  There are times that I am so glad that I am on them.  I can tell they work for me.  There are other times that I wonder if I could handle going off of them.  Sometimes these times are within the same […]



Empty Mind?

I’ve been searching for some inspiration for tonight’s post.  There are MANY writing challenges out there.  I just didn’t strike a chord with any of the topics suggested tonight.  I think I just need to let my fingers go and see what comes out. Today was a good day at work for me.  We had […]



Mood Unknown

I really don’t know how to describe my current mood.  I’m not exactly happy, not sad either.  Just kinda of blah, but yet not.  I’m a little tired, little frustrated, hungry, starting to get down on myself, and overall worn out.  It really is hard to explain.  My day overall was pretty good.  I stayed […]



Favorite TV Shows

I have a few shows that I can list as favorites.  Here they are in no particular order: Body of Proof Amazing Race Biggest Loser NCIS How I Met Your Mother Leverage I love each of these shows for various reasons.  The Biggest Loser is what motivates me with my weight loss.  Amazing Race is […]



Where did my weekend go?

I’m quickly running out of day, and I realized that I haven’t posted for today yet.  We went to the 8am church service this morning.  Sunday school was Recitation Sunday, where the kids recite their memory work.  Laura did a great job, of course.  :)  Once home, we did lunch.  Robert got the lawn mower […]



30 Day Challenge, modified

Recently, I’ve seen a lot of 30 day challenges posted on Facebook and on other blogs.  The point is to blog about a certain topic for 30 days straight.  Some people just post once a week and work their way down the list.  I haven’t found a 30 day challenge that I feel is just […]



Progress made…

Progress has been made. Progress #1 I have made the commitment to join a gym.  I am now a member at The Centre in New Richmond.  So far I have gone 4 times since joining less than one week ago.  I am enjoying trying out different classes and different equipment. Progress #2 As a result […]



My “Day Off”

Granted, most people would see today as my day off.  I see it as my day to get things done.  I still have to care for my two kids and get things done around the house.  Here was my day: 7:30 called Mom to talk for a little bit 8:45 start packing car full of […]



Great Weekend

I’d say that this was a great weekend.  I worked all day on Friday.  That night I went out with Pauline, Tashia, Tracey, Starr, and Barb (all from church) to celebrate Tashia getting her RN license.  Yippee!  We went to Las Margaritas in Woodbury.  Our dinner started out rocky with a long wait for a […]



What day is it?

I feel like I am asking myself “What day is it?” constantly this weekend.  Yesterday wasn’t quite a typical Saturday, but it wasn’t bad.  I would have liked to have taken a nap at one point, but that didn’t happen.  Today I feel so messed up.  Robert is working.  We didn’t go to church or […]