Yesterday I went to a conference for work about becoming a happy, confident woman. I wasn’t expecting to come away with so much to think about. One thing we really focused on were our goals. It raised some very good questions that I have been forced to consider. Am I doing what I want? Am I doing my job just because I fell into it? Do I want to do this forever? Do I even want to be working full-time? And those are just the questions raised related to work. I have several questions raised in my personal and spiritual life as well. So much to be thinking about and considering.
I will say that I have a renewed desire to lose weight. The numbers on the scale have started creeping up. I told myself when I lost all the weight to begin with that I will never see some of those numbers again. If I don’t start changing this now, those numbers will reappear, and I will beat myself up even more. So for now, I am tracking everything that I eat. I am focusing on drinking more water (which will hopefully mean less snacking) and eating balanced meals. For this first week, I’m just recording what I eat. It doesn’t matter how bad. I just need a starting point. Next week I will start looking at what I eat and how to alter it slightly to make it healthier. Thankfully I have a great app on my iPad to help me with all of this!
Home front, things to be fairly status quo. Robert and I are both making an effort to keep the house a bit more tidy. It isn’t perfect, but I’m not embarrassed to have people come over at this point. I think we’ve made a point of doing the dishes after every meal for close to a week now. For those that truly know us, this is unusual. I do hope that we can continue this trend. We are also making the kids pick up their stuff more, rather than leaving it lay around the living room. I would really like to do a big purge of toys soon since they don’t play with probably half of what they have.
This weekend we don’t currently have any firm plans, but we do know that we’d like to do something. Hopefully it will be a nice weekend.