
Sick Boy

I am home from work today with a sick boy.  He was coughing a lot last night, and it didn’t sound real good so we made the decision to keep him home.  I’m also enjoying just one-on-one time with him.  I know he is feeling rough because he fell asleep in my arms this morning at 10:30 (at least 2 hours before normal nap time).  It only took him about 2 minutes too.  :(  Poor boy.

2 Responses to “Sick Boy”

  1. Kelley Says:

    Awe Feel better little guy!

  2. Liz Says:

    Thanks, Kelley. I’m hoping that a day home will help.

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:D :) ^_^ :( :o 8O :shock: 8) ;-( :lol: xD :wink: :evil: :p :whistle: :woot: :sleep: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :angel: :bandit: :alien:
