I have a text editor open at the moment of various blog topics I wanted to touch on. However, that isn’t going to happen right now. I am exhausted. We’ve been pushing really hard this last week on getting the bedrooms in the basement done. It really all started with carpet shopping last weekend. I […]
If Laura had her way, she’d still be celebrating her birthday. She had a blast, minus the minor fall. The poor girl has my grace. For birthdays 1, 2, and 4, she has fallen and gotten serious bumps. Her first birthday she fell off the bed onto the concrete floor in the basement. Her second […]
We are having Laura’s 4th birthday party today. It’ll be a good size crowd, but there aren’t many other kids coming. Caitlin and Ryan will come with Owen. Joe will bring Johanna. I debated inviting one of her friends from daycare, but I decided that we’ll hold off for one more year. She hasn’t been […]
Today was another good day for me. Warren had a follow-up appointment with the ped. urologist. Robert just took the day off so he could be at the appointment and have a day with us. The appointment went well. The cream worked, but the foreskin is still a bit tight. We aren’t going to continue […]
Today was one of the best days that I’ve had in a very long time. We decided to skip church this morning since we had so much we wanted to get done around the house. Robert started off our day with making waffles. I had one with 2 strips of bacon. I decided that I’d […]
I have been back on my meds for close to a year now. There are times that I am so glad that I am on them. I can tell they work for me. There are other times that I wonder if I could handle going off of them. Sometimes these times are within the same […]