I made the decision last night that we wouldn’t go to play group anymore. I figured we would go this morning and then not after that. However, things changed. Warren was insisting to be laid down in his bed for nap at 8:20 this morning. He was out almost instantly. I debated if we should go or not. Then Laura started to get whiny again. I decided that we just won’t go today. I called to let them know we wouldn’t be there today and then sent an email about not attending anymore. There are two reasons for not attending anymore. #1 reason being Warren’s naptime. He has started going down around 8:30 and then sleeping until 11. With play group being from 9:30-11, it just wasn’t working. #2 reason being Laura wasn’t ready for it. She didn’t play with the other kids at all and wouldn’t stay in the room for the parent ed part of the group. It was hard for me to get much out of it.
We are definitely moving in the right direction with his sleep! He was in bed by 8 last night (usually it is 9 or 9:30). He fussed at 1:30 so I put his nuk back in. He then slept until after 7 this morning! We have found that we can’t turn the house down at night. Even though he sleeps under lots of blankets, he still gets chilled which means he wakes up at 2am.
This morning is going to be a quiet one. I have a big headache. I ate breakfast and then took some meds so hopefully it will go away. Maybe I can get a nap this afternoon too. Yesterday both kids napped pretty well in the afternoon. Here’s hoping for a repeat. I will probably use Dora/Diego today. Maybe Laura will even let me lay down out in the living room then.
November 18th, 2009 at 3:16 pm
I have not been doing as much with my MOMS Club either. My kids are older so its not all about naps but I found they where getting so cranky if we where going more then once or twice a week. I still go to Bible Study and the monthly play group I am in with the MOMS Club. I might add another activity in here after thanksgiving. Its hard. But you know as well as I do that well rested kids make for a happier family. Lizzie does not play with the other kids a lot either. She would just go find toys to play with. It can be hard to find the balance of getting out for your sanity but not so much the kids are always tired. I hope your head is feeling better and that you got a nap this afternoon!
O and I am so glad Warren is sleeping better!! Yeah!!
November 18th, 2009 at 4:13 pm
I think I am still recovering a bit from the weekend too. Now that Warren is getting into a routine/schedule, I don’t want to mess it up too much. It is rather nice actually. The hard part, like you said, is finding the balance. I didn’t get a nap this afternoon. Hoping for an early night tonight.