We are back home from my parents’. It was a good visit, like usual. We didn’t have any pressing business to take care of, so it was just a quiet, relaxing weekend away. Laura did pretty well. Going to bed at night was a bit of a challenge, but it is anytime we are in a different place. Saturday night went much better than Friday.
I am officially done working. I am doing some training this week, but then I’ll be home again. I really am glad it all worked out this way. I don’t know how I would have handled working full-time all the way through the pregnancy (and summer) and after Warren is born. If I can manage to get something part-time this fall that will cover daycare and make it worth working, I’ll do it. Otherwise I’ll just enjoy my time home.
We will be starting on the basement soon. The first step is to sort through everything. I am hoping that the rest of this week (other than tomorrow since I’m working 8 hours) I can be outside in the flower beds a little bit and then working in the basement the rest. The cars both need to be cleaned too. Maybe that can be done in the evenings. I should make a list of everything that I need to get done so I can just mark things off. I do better when I have a list otherwise I just sit around a lot.
My hips have been better. I will only go back to PT if they act up again. Hopefully now that I know what exercises to do and how to properly move they won’t be too bad.
I think on Saturday Michelle will be coming over to do more pictures for us. I don’t know the exact plan yet though. I wouldn’t mind more maternity shots. I also wouldn’t mind more pictures of just Laura and I. There don’t seem to be many of those.
So that is life recently for me. Not much else is going on. Seems like things are starting to slow down. The weekends are always hopping, but the week should go better.
May 4th, 2009 at 2:16 am
I hope you are aware that I’m available to help.
I contemplated vacuuming the cars to night but decided dishes were more pressing. And you saw how far I got with those once I came in the house. Mr. Ambitious I’m not tonight (though he visited last week).