Yesterday was a good day. I had to get up early and be out the door shortly after 7 so I could be in Eau Claire in time for the test. I want to apply for my job permanently, and in order to do so, I had to go take a civil service exam. It was challenging in parts, but I think I did well overall. I got home and Robert and I exchanged cards/gifts. He got me a Forever in Blue figurine. It is of a guy bending down and writing I Love You in a heart in the sand. Aww. It goes with the one he got me for Christmas. Little miss Laura for whatever reason was resisting nap time. She usually goes down around 10:30 when she is home with us. Yeah, that didn’t happen. She was so tired we could see that. But she also wasn’t acting like herself. So after lunch (which she didn’t eat much of) we played for a little bit, gave her some Motriin and put her down for a nap. Robert and I followed suit… napping, not taking Motrin.
Unfortunately, Laura didn’t take as long of a nap as she should have. She was up about 2 hours later and not happy.
She started to perk up a little bit later. We got things ready to go out to eat. The original plan was to stay in and just cook, but the food we wanted we didn’t have. In order to get what we wanted, we had to go up to Cumberland. So off we went!
There was a bit of a wait, but we brought Laura’s new book that she got from her Grams and Papa. She was content to sit and play with it. While waiting for our food at the table, she was practicing to drink water out of a cup. She did pretty well. Still a ways to go, but progress was made. She made a fairly large dent in her dinner. Robert and I each ate about half of our own. We got boxes to go and and headed back for home (an hour drive). Got home, Laura play for a bit, gave her a dose of Tylenol because once again she wasn’t herself, and we all crashed.
This morning I woke up at 6:40. I was hoping to sleep in, but my body clock wouldn’t allow that. Now I hear the little girl in her crib. I was hoping she would have slept longer considering she didn’t actually go to bed until 9:30. But it is 7:30am and she is awake. Guess I could go get her up.