I am getting into the Christmas spirit a little bit more. I spent 2 hours this morning wrapping presents. The only ones not under the tree are Robert’s mom and dad (he gets to wrap those) and mine. I would wrap my own, but I don’t think Robert will let me.
Laura is currently napping. She was in a good mood until she couldn’t get into all the wrapping stuff and it made her mad. She just sat and cried at me, so I put her to bed. I’m hoping she’ll be in a better mood this afternoon. I would like to try to get to the library and do a few other errands. I’m not sure if I’m tutoring tomorrow afternoon or not. I need to call and double check that tonight.
There is still some drama going on at church, but hopefully by the end of January that will be resolved. I should figure out my lunch while Laura is sleeping. So much to do, but yet I don’t have a ton of motivation today. I want to have a nice easy day.