I went to my 37 week check up tonight. Things started out well. My weight jumped a little bit, but I wasn’t too worried. My blood pressure was higher than usual tonight. This was a slight concern. Then I mentioned how swollen I have been. This all added up to me getting labs drawn and being sent to L&D. I was hooked up to monitors for little over an hour. My blood pressure went down as long as I was laying on my left side. The monitors picked up the heartbeat (averaged in the 130s) and any contractions that I might be having. I haven’t felt anything up to this point, but the monitors were telling me that I was having them. I found out while over in the clinic that I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I was amazed. I was expecting to have 0 cm and 0% since I haven’t been feeling anything. Anyways, I continue the monitoring, and the nurse asked how we felt about induction since I was aiming for a natural childbirth. I told her that if it was the best for the baby and my health, then we would do it. She mentioned the possibility that it could happen this week. AHHHH!!!! We are so not ready. I thought we were, then I thought about what we need to get done before we are ready. Luckily, we are not inducing this week. We go in at 7 am on Tuesday, June 12. Hopefully that will be Thumper’s birthday. We’ll see how things go. So now I am going to create a honey-do list for Robert to work on in the evenings after work. The biggest items on the list is pack my hospital bag and put the carseat in the car. I have a few other items, but not as big as those two. So now I am home, on bedrest until Tuesday. According to my doctor, my favorite position in laying on my left side. Who am I to argue?
June 6th, 2007 at 6:51 am
You’re so cute!!! I’m so excited!!!!!