Today was the first day that anyone has made a comment about me being pregnant without them being told that I was (if that makes any sense). One of the ladies came up to me after church this morning saying how great I looked and asked when I was due. This is a lady that I don’t socialize with much, so I am sure that she hadn’t been told yet. This means I am past the “is she or isn’t she” stage and the “she is definitely pregnant” stage. Then later today this same lady came up to me again and told me that I am cute pregnant.
I know Robert keeps telling me I am, but he is biased. To hear it from someone else that isn’t family, I know it is true. That is my happiness for today.
I can’t believe that I am 19 weeks pregnant already. It seems like we were just starting to share the news last month. Time sure does fly. I think we’ll be taking our weekly tummy picture (Robert prefers tummy to belly) tomorrow, so hopefully we’ll get that up on our baby page tomorrow evening. Some people were asking what the site is for our baby page, so one more time…