
Long week already

I give any woman who is pregnant and works full time so much credit. I have only worked one 8 hour day this week and already I am exhausted. I had planned on napping this afternoon after work, but things seemed to be a higher priority and I wasn’t super tired then. Instead I cooked dinner while Robert did the dishes and helped cut up veggies. Now, it is 8:45 and I can barely keep my eyes open. There is so much I should do before going to bed, but it will have to wait. I have the sauce for tomorrow night’s dinner going. I am working 8-4 every day this week at Textbook Services. I will get home 5ish since I am carpooling with Robert and he works til 4:30. Tomorrow night we’ll probably run to Hudson to get his glasses and maybe more cheese for lunches. Then I have a Board of Ed meeting at church at 7:00, that will most likely go until 8. Wednesday I am leaving work at 3 to be to church for LOGOS by 3:30, and then I’ll be there until 8. Thursday I work at Textbook again, then tutor from 5-6. After tutoring, I should make some brownies to take into work on Friday. Friday I work 8-4, plus it is my birthday. Saturday I think Robert and I are going out to celebrate my birthday. Sunday we are communion assistants at church at the 8:00 service, then have the annual meeting at 11:30. Next week I am back to Textbook Services working 8-4 every day again. I hope I don’t totally burn myself out this week and next.

I was going to take an updated belly picture tonight, but maybe we’ll do it in the morning. I look/feel like crud right now. The picture would not turn out nice at all. I am trying to think of what to update our baby page with. Nothing much has happened in the last week. I just feel like I should put some update of some sort on there. Any suggestions?

Enough rambling from me. Time to get ready for bed to have another long day tomorrow. Night all.

2 Responses to “Long week already”

  1. supermefb4 Says:

    Wow. Take it easy Baby Mama! :) You have just reason to be tired. That’s a lot of stuff to do!

  2. Liz Says:

    Today went much better. Plus my meeting at church was cancelled, so that helps. I am just going to take it one day at a time. :)

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:D :) ^_^ :( :o 8O :shock: 8) ;-( :lol: xD :wink: :evil: :p :whistle: :woot: :sleep: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :angel: :bandit: :alien:
