I give any woman who is pregnant and works full time so much credit. I have only worked one 8 hour day this week and already I am exhausted. I had planned on napping this afternoon after work, but things seemed to be a higher priority and I wasn’t super tired then. Instead I cooked dinner while Robert did the dishes and helped cut up veggies. Now, it is 8:45 and I can barely keep my eyes open. There is so much I should do before going to bed, but it will have to wait. I have the sauce for tomorrow night’s dinner going. I am working 8-4 every day this week at Textbook Services. I will get home 5ish since I am carpooling with Robert and he works til 4:30. Tomorrow night we’ll probably run to Hudson to get his glasses and maybe more cheese for lunches. Then I have a Board of Ed meeting at church at 7:00, that will most likely go until 8. Wednesday I am leaving work at 3 to be to church for LOGOS by 3:30, and then I’ll be there until 8. Thursday I work at Textbook again, then tutor from 5-6. After tutoring, I should make some brownies to take into work on Friday. Friday I work 8-4, plus it is my birthday. Saturday I think Robert and I are going out to celebrate my birthday. Sunday we are communion assistants at church at the 8:00 service, then have the annual meeting at 11:30. Next week I am back to Textbook Services working 8-4 every day again. I hope I don’t totally burn myself out this week and next.
I was going to take an updated belly picture tonight, but maybe we’ll do it in the morning. I look/feel like crud right now. The picture would not turn out nice at all. I am trying to think of what to update our baby page with. Nothing much has happened in the last week. I just feel like I should put some update of some sort on there. Any suggestions?
Enough rambling from me. Time to get ready for bed to have another long day tomorrow. Night all.
January 23rd, 2007 at 4:56 pm
Wow. Take it easy Baby Mama!
You have just reason to be tired. That’s a lot of stuff to do!
January 24th, 2007 at 1:03 am
Today went much better. Plus my meeting at church was cancelled, so that helps. I am just going to take it one day at a time.