
Feeling kinda down

I don’t know exactly what is with me today. Sunday and Monday were great, and then today just seemed to go downhill. First I want to say a HUGE thank you to beldurnik for taking me on my first bike ride on Sunday. It was a ton of fun. I can’t wait to get on a bike again. I hope I followed all the rules of being a good rider. The four of us spent a few hours wandering in and out of shops. I enjoyed spending time with Rich and Sonja and not having to rush anywhere. After wandering downtown Stillwater, I made beldurnik, czar_sonja, rjrbytes, and myself go to Nelson’s Ice Cream. They have some of the best ice cream, and you get a lot for very little. I highly recommend it to everyone. I can easily give directions now that I remember what street it is on. :)

Monday was a good day. Work seemed to go slowly, but that’s life. Robert and I left a little early so I could finally get my mailbox key. So now I feel a little more settled in and feel like this is my place too. After getting home, we cleaned the livingroom, bedroom, kitchen, did dishes about 3 times, made lasagna to be frozen, brownies, and ate corn on the cob made in our new steamer and grilled chicken. I felt very productive and happy.

Now today, it’s a different story. Work still went slow. I am enjoying not having to deal with Sarah though. Robert left 20 minutes early since he wasn’t feeling well. He also received and email from Dan and Trish saying that Sam has brain damage and seizures due to the lack of oxygen before his surgery. I suggested to Robert that we go visit Dan and Trish, but he didn’t seem too excited about it. I just remember how nice it was to have the friends and support while I was in the hospital. I can’t imagine what they are going through, but I can imagine that they would want some support. I heart and prayers go out to them. Robert is currently taking a nap. It is raining, otherwise I would go out for a walk. I want to try and lose some weight. I’m just feeling really blah tonight. But I’m off to wake him up. Write more later.

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:D :) ^_^ :( :o 8O :shock: 8) ;-( :lol: xD :wink: :evil: :p :whistle: :woot: :sleep: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :angel: :bandit: :alien:
