
I realize that I chose to date a computer geek. However, I didn’t realize that a computer would get more attention over the last three days than me. It sucks. I hate playing second fiddle to a stupid box.

4 Responses to “”

  1. idioticpsycho Says:


  2. czar_sonja Says:

    yeah. i hate that too. i get unhappy. then i get even more unhappy cuz it’s a plug-in-toy and not, i dunno, something I regard as super important.

  3. Liz Says:

    Exactly…I don’t get why I’m pushed aside while he just sits and plays. I don’t understand what he is doing. I try to ask questions, but he doesn’t fully answer them. ARG

  4. tinytom Says:

    If you dont get it now you wont get it if he trys to explain!!! Sad to say!

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