Well, I think the subject line sums it up pretty well. My weekend started nicely on Friday. I did a bunch of nothing in the morning. I ate lunch with Liz when she had a break at 11. After she left I did our mound of dishes that desperately needed to be done. Once they were done, I gathered all my stuff for the weekend and headed over to Robert’s. I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies and did laundry. We had a nice dinner together, and then crashed at 10 or so. Saturday morning I was awake 8, worked at Papa Murphy’s from 9-2 with Caitlin. We had fun chatting. After work Robert and I went for a bike ride around River Falls for a few hours. We headed back to his house and made lasagna. MMM I think we crashed around 9 again on Saturday night. Sunday morning I was awake at 8, and got out of bed at 9. After being up for 2 hours, Robert and I decided it was time for a nap, so we slept for another hour and a half. Once we got up at 12:30, we turned on the Packer game and watched them kick the pants off Detroit. It was a fun game. I had to work at Papa Murphy’s again from 4-7. However, it was a really busy night so I ended up staying until 8:10. My back was killing me, but I had to stop at Robert’s to get all my stuff that I had left there. Once I got there, there was no way you would get me back in my car. So I ended up crashing there last night. Oh yeah, and in all of this, John (brother) e-mailed me two times!
This morning I got to the apartment about 8 and did some homework. I had class at 1:25 and 4-6 tonight. Robert joined Liz and I for our TV evening. We have to watch 7th Heaven and Everwood! So now it’s 10:00 and I really should do some homework tonight, but it’s not going to happen.
I’m excited for Logo in the morning. Not so much because of the class, but because there are two guys who sit in front of me and download MSN Messenger so they can chat during class. This is a big no-no in the labs. Robert installed a script tonight that will check for programs such as these and kill them. So it will be fun to see their reactions. But I think it’s time for me to go to bed. I’m tired and haven’t been sleeping well. So goodnight and I’ll write more later.