I don’t know what it is with me tonight, but I don’t know what day it is. At 9:00 I suddenly got excited because ER was on. Oops, wrong night. For some dumb reason I keep thinking Thursday. I was productive tonight, as much as I didn’t want to be. I finished my French for tomorrow, then I wrote my Eyes on the Prize paper. It is the last one in the series! Granted, I learned a lot, but it’s frustrating to write a paper that you know the professor doesn’t read. He even told us that himself. But it’s done, along with getting everything ready for storytelling on Thursday. Right now I’m getting excited for Saturday and then next Thursday. I’m planning on staying up here on Good Friday to write two observation papers. Also because I’m missing Monday’s classes. I figure I might be able to get stuff done early. We’ll see if I actually follow through. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have class 8-9, 10-11, and 1-2. Unfortunately, I really don’t want to go to any of them. Math is fine, but it’s really boring anymore. We might be getting our tests back so that will be interesting to see if I bombed it or not. French I need to go to since we have a test on Friday. I still have to watch a movie and write a summary on it since I didn’t do one last week. Multicult is just multicult. I wish I could skip it, but I don’t think I can. Oh well. Once I’m there it isn’t too bad. Work tomorrow I’m not looking forward to either. Mary is on a rampage recently. I’m just trying to stay invisible/on her good side/do my job. There still isn’t any mention of me becoming a student manager. I don’t think I’ll be there next year. There are signs up to work on campus for $7.25 an hour full time this summer. I’m thinking about applying for that. I need to decide now what I’m going to do. I really don’t know if I could handle another year at Chartwells. Which then leaves me jobless for next school year. I’m sure I’ll figure something out. Speaking of next school year, I am meeting with Martin tomorrow to figure out my schedule. I’m hoping he can make everything work out. I’ll write tomorrow what I figure out. But it’s time for me to climb into bed. Write more later.