Ok, so this weekend was a blast. We were able to make it to Green Bay safely and spent a lot of time with Liz’s family. I met even more of them. I think I’ve met most of the immediate family now. Friday we went out for fish, which was very good. We got home and then watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I fell asleep part way through it. We were up around 9 on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, it was snowing pretty badly so we weren’t able to go see Liz’s godchild. This made 4 people pouting (The two shortys and the two Lizs). Instead we stayed at the house and played Sequence. Liz and I got ready for RENT. We were all dressed, had pictures taken, and were on our way when my car started acting up. We turned around and took her mom’s car instead. We did make it to the show on time. We were 8 rows from the front. If there would have been an orchestra, we would have been front row. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect to see in the show. I had listened to the music a lot before, but I didn’t know how they would act it out. I loved it! It was sooo good. We were able to get home around 11:30. Liz made some grasshoppers for us. So the rest of the evening was spent drinking a grasshopper and watching Jumping Jack Flash (great movie). This morning at 8 Mary called her cousin who is a mechanic. He told us to meet him at the shop at 1. We went to church, went to lunch at Perkins, and then took my car in. Wayne said the problem was my canopy wasn’t on, so he put it on for me. It was working great as we ran around GB. We went over to Liz’s dad’s house for Jonathan’s birthday. I met her siblings and their significant others and her niece and nephews. It was a house full, but fun. We left for RF around 4:45. The car was running great until around Abbotsford. We got off for a quick stop. At the end of the ramp, the car squealed a little bit. We listened to see if it would squeal anymore, but it didn’t so we continued on our merry little way. We decided to stop in Hammond for some fresh, hot, homemade popcorn at rjrbytes‘s house. To be nice, we gave him a ride to the store so he could buy some milk. There the car really started to squeal. On the way back to his house, the car squealed most of the way. However, when we pulled into the driveway it stopped. Robert looked under the hood but couldn’t see anything. So Liz and I decided to try coming back to school. The car behaved the entire way. Liz and I have a few theories of what might be going on. One is that the belts squeal when they are cold. Two is they aren’t stretched quite enough yet. Three…something is majorly wrong and will cost a fortune to repair. I am hoping either theory one or two is correct and three is wrong. I have to observe tomorrow, so I’m hoping that everything goes ok. I’ll have Liz’s cell so I can call someone if I need help. I have some new thoughts running through my mind after this weekend that I need to figure out. But at this point, they are going to stay there. I’m really tired and am getting sick so I’m heading to bed now. Write more later!