… north of the border. I shall post pictures after I have returned. I took 85 today … 18 yesterday. Digital cameras are nifty.
I even managed to get some pictures of myself and someone else together. :)) Dunno if you’ll be seeing those.
More pictures tomorrow. I’m enjoying myself. No stress from work … (work … what’s that?). Lots of fresh air. Good company (especially that which came with me).
Ta ta.
I got to work at 7:30am. I left work at 6:45pm. I didn’t take a break for lunch. Yuck. Busy busy busy.
I’m po’d at the Toyota dealer in Maplewood ‘cuz after telling me yesterday my truck would be done today, they called to say it wouldn’t be done until tomorrow morning (it was promised by noon on Friday, since I need it for my trip this weekend). Grumble. Oh well, at least I should be able to have a good trip up north. It will be odd having a full set of dash lights again.
I had a chat with Amanda Holder tonight … she’s doing well. I’ve been checking out the pics on her website … http://www.rpm4x4.com
Quite cool if you’re interested in what they do. Trucks with big tires …
Anyway, hope to post from north of the border this weekend y’all. I’m trying out this new LJ client … curious to see how it posts, ‘cuz it looks pretty nifty so far.
I found out tonight that I don’t make a very good mermaid.
Yay … another weekend! Maybe I’ll actually catch up on sleep this weekend!? LOL. I’m pretty sure I won’t catch up next weekend. Probably won’t arrive in Thunder Bay until 11:00pm or something (gotta watch out for ‘dem mooses dontcha know? :))
I hope to get some good pictures this time with my digital camera.
Those are from my trip up there two years ago. I’m not sure why I didn’t take pictures last summer (can’t even remember going up there).
Driving to Eau Claire to get a flat-panel monitor with my gf (for her new computer). We could go to Woodbury I suppose, but I’m tired of going there and I haven’t been to EC in quite a while.
Liz and I went to dinner at Bona Casa in Cumberland last night … mmm … yummy. Stuffed myself good with cheese & raisin raviolis. Liz doesn’t like raisins. How can anybody not like raisins? They’re like candy from nature. Yes, I know it sounds odd to put them inside pasta but it tastes good. I forgot that Bona doesn’t take credit cards, but I had enough cash on me to cover it and still get some frozen raviolis to take home and stash in the freezer.
My truck misbehaved a bit on the way back. I hope nothing serious is failing ‘cuz otherwise I just might have to replace the vehicle. It’s going into the shop this coming week to fix some minor things that have been annoying me for months but don’t affect drivability. If I do replace it, I think I will get a manual transmission … I really miss shifting. Much as I would like to buy a Mitsubishi Eclipse GT, I don’t think it’s an affordable option at the moment (not to mention the parking headaches having 4 cars in the garage/driveway.
Anyway … ttfn. BTW, I’m going to see Gaelic Storm when they come to UW-RF, and I encourage everybody else to do so as well!
Hey all … it’s been a while. Between work and the house and hanging out with my girlfriend, it’s been hard to find time to dedicate to journal, but I think I’m back.
I’m more relaxed now that I’ve actually hired another technician at work and things look like they may be turning for the better .
My younger sister seems bent on revenge for all the teasing I’ve given her about her boyfriend. I can accept that I guess, though it leaves me rather red-faced at times.
I’m heading up north (Canada) the last weekend of the month. It’ll be good to get away from it all… go out and commune a but with nature. Sit on a rock overlooking Lake Superior with the wind blowing and no sign of civilization. That’s the best … leaving everything behind … no crowds … no noise … no computers. Maybe I can forget about the terrorist attacks. I need to get away from work though. Even though it will only be for the weekend I like the idea of spending some quality time with Liz.
Well, time to do a little relaxing web work.
Wow … what a day. I woke up and discovered that my younger sister and her boyfriend finished off my cold breakfast cereal and didn’t bother to tell me. Grr. I would have been more upset if they had finished off the milk, but I was angry enough as it was. Grrrr.
Long day at work though … did a lot of moving boxes. I wish whomever had written the SirCam virus had found something better to do… it’s been keeping us very busy, when we can’t afford to spare time.
I did manage to get a computer delivery done, though it took me 2 hours and I didn’t leave work until 6:30. Guess that means an early departure tomorrow.
Well, time to go to bed…. 8 days left until ….
the purpose of this post is simply to exist.
That way Rich (beldurnik) can stop complaining that nobody else posts anything. Personally … I’ve been too busy this past week. And when I do feel like musing about something … it generally revolves around Liz.
Wow … work is stressful lately, although I did a lot accomplished today. One of the most daunting tasks on my to-do list for this summer is complete.
I actually worked up the guts to inquire about a re-classification. State classified employees don’t get promotions … they have to apply for them basically. I’ve been kinda uncertain whether I could get one if I applied … and I figure, if I don’t try, I’ll never know, will I?
Yard work sucks. I spent 45 minutes spreading mulch around my roses and this tree-shrub thingy … got bit up by mosquitos in the process too! I took out my frustration on some elm “sprouts” that were coming out of an old stump. It’s impressive how easy it is to cut through something with pruners when you have 3-foot handles for leverage.
I hope it rains soon. My lawn is still green … actually has a lot of white in it ‘cuz of the clover. But I haven’t mown in over a week either …
I haven’t had the chance to update this lately. Work has been stressing me out. It frustrates me how much I have left to do this summer. I’ve managed to relax a bit over the past day or so. Need to get away from it all I guess. This past weekend was helpful … went to see Liz. That helped a lot. I guess I wasn’t too terribly worried about what her mother would think of me. I didn’t get tossed out so I guess I passed.
I’ve taken to going to bed early lately, so that’s it for tonight!