My apologies for not posting in a while. I’ve been rather busy. You might say I actually have a life!
I am in the middle of stuff gearing up for the annual UWRF Dance Theatre concert. It’s a lot of fun working with the crew and the dancers. My girlfriend is even performing this year. Yay! The new amplifier in the sound system kicks some serious ass … 2400 watts. *insert Tim Allen grunts here* The old one was 220 watts and had a tough time handling things for us, though I guess some wiring problems in the theatre itself didn’t help. We fixed those this year. I discovered tonight that somebody was a little careless and tore the plug off one of the speaker wires for the stage monitors so I’ll have to get that fixed .. grumble.
I am taking some time off and visiting a friend in Canada this weekend and going skiing. Yay. I hope they actually have some powder, ‘cuz otherwise it won’t be much fun and I’ll just end up sore.
I need to get to bed. I was up later than I wanted to be last night as I drove Liz 1/2way across the state. The weather sucked royally, so it was an exhausting drive.
Well, I shall endeavour to post more often soon, but possibly not until after dance theatre performances are done.

I’m getting lax at posting to this. I really need to do it more. I called my friend Laura tonight for the first time in several months. It was good to talk to her again. I miss her … haven’t seen her in probably about 2-3 years. I really need to get down to LaCrosse to see her.
I need to start getting more sleep, so this is going to be a short post. TTFN!
P.S. my sister just told me a guy she went to school with and one of her coworker’s cousins were murdered at a funeral home in Hudson tonight…. wow.

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Work has been sucking the life out of me as I’ve attempted to reach a goal that appears to be unattainable. After all there are only so many hours in a day, and there are other things that are more worthwhile after 5pm than work. Company of the female persuasion comes to mind.
We lost a staff member this week under unfortunate circumstances which I can’t elaborate on. Suffice it to say that it will definitely have an impact on my duties and workload. It also doesn’t help that one of my student employees has been placed on academic suspension. I actually felt like going out for a good drink … or two … or three … the other night. Depressing.
I’m working tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday because some things need to be done for Tuesday (some of which was supposed to be done by the previously mentioned staff member). I’m going to need a vacation in a few weeks… maybe I’ll take that ski trip that was postponed due to lack of snow.

This is going to be short and sweet because I’m very tired. I’ve been working on the new ITS website tonight. But … before I did that, I was watching TLC. Junkyard Wars is awesome. Tonight they had the worst results of any episode I’ve ever watched. They tried to build snowmobiles. I guess I have a little more appreciation for how nice today’s snowmobiles actually are. I think it would be cool to get one.
I also caught part of a show on “Hackers”. This was on *real* hackers … started out talking about phone phreaking. I now know the origin of the number ‘2600’ in hack terms. It was really interesting. They even had Steve Wozniak ( … he told a story about when he and Steve Jobs got picked up for phone phreaking. Uber-cool.
about 43 hours left …


on January 7, 2002 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

I’m not real motivated tonight. I felt like shit earlier, even after napping for a little over an hour. Matter of fact, I think I felt worse after my nap than I did before it.
I made a chicken Create-a-meal for dinner tonight. It was yummy. Also got around to doing laundry. I don’t think I’ve gotten over the novelty yet of having my own washer and dryer. It kicks ass. Now if only I could convince my sister’s bf to actually finish his laundry when he starts it.
I think I need to do a “movie night” sometime soon. need to find a white sheet to use as a projector screen though. amazingly enough,, I don’t have a single one in the house. I also need to figure out where to locate the projector.
I was thinking of going out and buying the two latest Bond flicks and having a Bond night (not to be confused with “bondage night” … that’s a totally different matter).
I’m counting down the days (4) until I get to see my girlfriend again.
I think I need to get in touch with Carmen Follen again. I miss her. Haven’t seen her since she graduated. :(


on January 6, 2002 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I hate being sick. It blows. Literally. My nose is so sore … I swear I could be mistaken for Rudolph.
I will be very happy when I feel better. I’ll be happy next weekend … I get to see Liz and cuddle again. :)
I need to go out to the bars again one of these days. Haven’t been out in a while. I’ve been told some of the places here in town do good ice cream drinks. Maybe I’ll have to check and see. Maybe Amanda and Zeb will join me.
Also, I think I need a different picture. Maybe something that actually has my face. I’ll try to crop something up soon.

colds suck

on January 3, 2002 in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

I hate being sick. Especially when I have a cold. They just hang on … and hang on … and hang on. My head is stuffed and feels quite unbalanced. Not good. I’m not sure if I’ll make it into work tomorrow. Liz has the same cold … I wonder how she got it. ;)
I’d post more, but I’m thinking heading to bed would be a good idea right about now.
Oh… and digitalriver’s error messages *SUCK!!*


on December 19, 2001 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

I cannot believe how tired I am. I’m not quite falling asleep at the keyboard but getting there. Ya know how it feels when you’re tired and typing but you’re not entirely sure how the words are coming out of your fingers but they just keep coming and you’re almost too tired to stop them?
I almost feel like I’m having an out-of-body experience. My mind is numb. I need to go to bed … so I guess I’ll be heading there shortly.
By the way … I have to say … the Fellowship of the Ring is awesome! I need to go see it again!


on December 18, 2001 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Where is it!? It’s a week until Christmas and there’s no snow on the ground! How is Santa supposed to land his sleigh on the roofs? I know what it’s like when a sled I’m on goes off the snow … the sled comes to a screeching halt and the person riding it continues forward. I hope Santa has an industrial strength seat belt … all that momentum is a hard thing to arrest.

I would like to apologize to Anney for the comment I made in the grocery store which I didn’t mean to offend or otherwise upset her. I hope she forgives me.

P.S. … my first use of a LiveJournal tag!