…. I hope. I’m going to try to get into work early tomorrow and get something accomplished before the 3hr marathon “ITS Management Group” meeting. Maybe this time we won’t dwell on what we’ve done so much as issues that need to be discussed.
I’ve decided I’m going to head to Madison this weekend. I’ve been without my angel for 2 weeks and I miss her so. She sent me the lyrics to “Helplessly, Hopelessly, Recklessly” by Jessica Andrews tonight. I feel so loved. I’m twitterpated.
I am sick and fucking tired of these damned never-ending meetings! Meetings meetings everywhere! Meetings meetings … I’m going to pull out my hair! ARGH!
I have the house to myself for the next two weeks. I’m not sure if I like that or not. I actually like having someone around to talk to every once in a while. When I first moved in here last summer, after things had calmed down, I was getting somewhat depressed about the lack of company. Hopefully I won’t be this time around.
I don’t have a whole lot of projects to keep me busy, though I’m sure I could find something to do. Maybe I should invite some friends over. I considering going down to Madison this coming weekend to see Liz. I miss her a lot and we crave each other’s company. Definitely a lot harder than last summer … which I guess means that we’re more attached. I wish Madison wasn’t so far away, though I’m glad it’s actually doable to drive there and back in a weekend.
I also need to see Laura again. I should call her this week and try to set up something.
I saw SW: AOTC last night with my friend Joe … I wish I had seen it in surround sound, but those theater seats (Hastings) were very nice. Very cushy. I’d like to see Spiderman too. TTFN!
Well, I discovered tonight what happens if you put the following in root’s .bashrc:
/sbin/shutdown -h now
Basically, you have a difficult time administering the machine. I finally fixed the problem, but not before shutting the machine down unintentionally 5 times. Even single user mode couldn’t fix it!
I’m going to bed. I stayed up much later than intended fixing the shutdown issue and trying to configure a www cache server (= proxy server).
Well, my reclassification request finally made it through and I’m now in the “IS Technical Services – Senior” classification or something like that. For those of you who aren’t familiar with state employment, that’s a promotion.
I get to go home tomorrow night and figure out why my parents’ dialup server (masqdialer on Linux) won’t connect. It is no longer detecting a dial tone. I hope the modem isn’t fried. :\
I am also getting my truck’s oil changed and suspension checked (something’s wrong with front driver’s side). Saturday afternoon or evening I’m going to get together with my friend Joe from LaCrosse to go see Star Wars Episode II … I haven’t seen it yet (neither has he).
Fare thee well, and I shall post again this weekend!
I had a good day at work. It felt pretty productive. I got some critical web pages written. There’s one more I have to update before we can start on our big inventory project. Oh fun! I wish I didn’t get interrupted at all though. Matter of fact, if the weather had been crappy I would have stayed at work late to do some more pages.
The weather was *gorgeous* today. This meant I had to mow lawn of course, since it’s been raining and looks to be raining in the next few days too. On the plus side, I did get to fire up my grill for the first time and cook some brats.
Well, bedtime for me.
Yay! The week is 40% over. I don’t know why I’m looking forward to the end of it so much. I have lots I’d like to get done at work. Stuff I’d like to get done at home too. I just don’t feel into work lately. Not sure why.
I have had a highly un-productive evening. I played some Carmageddeon for a while because I just didn’t feel like working on web pages. Of course, the fact that I couldn’t get my website synchronization software to work helped some in that regard.
It would be nice if the weather were going to warm up for the weekend, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Icky rain, though I think I’d rather have rain than not enough rain. Nothing much happening in terms of space weather right now anyway, so I’m not missing anything in the sky.
My love created a LiveJournal tonight, though she doesn’t have any posts. Yay!
Anyway, off to bed for me. Slept well last night, so hopefully this is a trend.
I watched “A Beautiful Mind” with my sister and her bf. I think it’s a pretty good story, though I could have used somebody to cozy up to while watching it.
I’m pretty bushed tonight. I don’t think I’ve been sleeping well lately. I was almost falling asleep on my feet after the movie but some fresh air definitely helped in that regard. I’m trying to get some fresh air into my room right now.
Well, that’s all tonight. Yeah, I know it’s a short one, but how many people read this anyway?
Well, this weekend wasn’t quite as relaxing and sleep-filled as I had hoped, but I did manage to get in a 3-hr nap this afternoon. I was glad to hear from galatea, even if it was only briefly.
I’m thinking I need to have a bit of a party or something soon. Maybe something involving movies … a grill … perhaps some volleyball (though I’d need to get a net for that). A lot of my friends haven’t seen my house yet, even though I’ve been here a year (as of this weekend).
Well, I’m keeping this post short so I can get some shuteye.
I decided to build my sister and her bf something to put their mattress on. I worked on it most of the day but I haven’t quite finished yet. I built it out of pine lumber from the lumberyard in Baldwin. 4×4 posts framed with 2x4s. I decided to get ambitious and recess the 2x4s into the 4x4s … this involved a lot of sawing so I could chisel out the slots. I think I’m going to regret that decision as I will likely have blisters tomorrow.
To make matters worse, I discovered that I screwed up. I had been going to use some metal tube bars from a different bed frame to support the mattress … just securing them to the 2×4 rails. I discovered that these tube bars are actually just the width of the mattress, and the 2x4s are far enough apart for the mattress to go between. Luckily I’ve come up with a solution. I found some steel bed rails and I’m going to hack the ends off, drill a bunch of holes in them and fasten them to the 2x4s on the inside so the tube bars can rest on that. I’ve already started on one of the rails, but drilling holes in steel is not exactly fast or easy. I decided that this is why drill presses were invented. Of course, a torch could do the same fairly quickly, but I don’t have a torch.
Anyway, that’s what has occupied my day. I got up early and brainstormed to figure out what was needed, spent a 1/2 hr finding the lumberyard (they’d moved locations) and got what was needed this morning. I worked on the bed for about 8 hrs. The wood frame is assembled … kinda looks like a pig pen (LOL … of course their room fits the bill right now, which is part of the reason I’m building a bed frame that the 6 dresser drawers from the dresser I took out of my computer room).
For dinner tonight I ate an entire Roma thin-crust pizza (which is an accomplishment for me). I was happy to discover that the June Bugs Bunny marathon is running on Cartoon Network, so I watched that for a while. They even had some that I hadn’t seen before! This surprised me ‘cuz I’ve been watching Bugs Bunny for a long time.