I just finished speaking with a dear friend that I haven’t heard from in a long while. She is alive and well and going places with her life that make me so proud of her.

I actually accomplished something today. I got my checkbook records, my mortgage records and my truck loan records mostly up-to-date in Quicken. They’re even reconciled!
I also fixed my parents’ modem so it will connect at a max of 33.6k … their phone lines can’t handle 56k so it kept dropping connections and annoying stuff like that.
I didn’t get the chance to glue the windshield trim on my truck… I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn’t rain.
I hope my angel is having a wonderful time at her aunt & uncle’s cabin. I miss her of course, but she needs to spend time with family too. ;)

It was a good day today. I felt I got lots accomplished at work. Frustrated in some areas, but I think I can always count on website work to make me feel good.
I get to see my angel tomorrow. Yay. I don’t think there’s anything better for a guy than holding the girl he loves in his arms. Just thinking of it makes me happy. I hope we get to do something fun outside this weekend. I think I’m getting tired of being cooped up inside.

I don’t mind storms and rain … except when tornados are a possibility. I discovered that I have excellent wireless reception in my basement. Not that that is incredibly useful. It would be nicer to actually have a weather band radio down there.
Work sucked this morning. I ran into a brick wall or two on a project I have been working on. This afternoon I worked on the website, which went pretty well. It’s shaping up pretty good.
I fixed my ssh on my server tonight. There’s apparently a bug in OpenSSH 3.3 that prevents you from using compression, privilege separation, and the Linux 2.2.x kernel together. My system is humming along happily now though.
I should get to bed… I haven’t been sleeping enough lately … in part due to personal projects and partly due to the weather. I also mowed my lawn tonight, so I’m rather bushed…. mmm … bushed …. ;)

I’m going to be *really* tired tomorrow. That’s what I get for staying up and watching Armageddon I guess. I bought a bunch of new DVDs tonight, and Armageddon came free with one of them. Since I like it anyway it was a bonus for me.
Work has been kinda depressing lately. So much to do and the summer break is nearly 1/3 over. I haven’t been getting a lot of satisfaction out of my job this week. Probably because I don’t feel like I’m accomplishing much.
Well … off to bed. Saturday is going to be an even later night than tonight, so I need to catch sleep tomorrow night.

I wasn’t feeling ambitious this evening, so I decided to work some more on my mp3 catalog. I got a little further with it.
I am going to Tomah this weekend (Saturday) with my brother to see the NTPA Grand National pulls … 2WD, super-stock, modified, heavy super-stock, pro-stock, 4WD, unlimited, super semis. Lots of noise and lots of exhaust and lots of horsepower. — insert series of vigorous Tim Allen grunts here — Anybody else interested in going? :) I tried to get beldurnik to go a few years ago, but he wasn’t interested. I think some exposure to this would do him good. :D
Well, off to bed I go, since I don’t have much else to say. Some life, huh?

… or not, depending on your perspective. I had the dubious enjoyment of mowing lawn, washing dishes and doing laundry. What’s good about this you may wonder? Well, it means I don’t have to do them later this week!
Anybody going to the Hairball rock festival in Somerset this weekend? It sounds intriguing but I don’t want to go it alone … such things are always more fun with friends. :)
I think I’m going to have to replace the light fixture in my dining room/kitchen. It’s just at the right height so if I walk up to the table and lean over a bit, my forehead crashes right into it. This is not a good thing. It hurts. There’s another fixture downstairs in the basement that *really* needs to go because I have a tendency to stand up underneath it after putting clothes in the washer and I come close to impaling myself on some sharp protrusions. Also not good.
Sleep is sounding real good right now, so off I go.

Well, it was a great weekend … had to come to an end eventually. I spent it in Sun Prairie with Liz. :) It’s a bit of a jaunt to get there, but it’s definitely worth it. She was so happy to see me it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :)
The drive back took 3-1/2 hrs … non-stop. It wasn’t too bad and I didn’t get sleepy at all. I am going to be glad to be back in my bed though. I like firm beds, but the one I slept on in SP was a bit hard. I think I might bring my own pillow next time (2 weeks!).
I love Klondike bars. Yummy yummy. My package of bars is half gone (bought them middle of last week).
Tomorrow I get to mow my lawn again … I haven’t looked closely but I know it needs mowing ‘cuz it’s been a week. I also need to do dishes, so it should be a busy evening.

Grumble. LiveJournal’s website pisses me off sometimes. I hate it when I repeatedly cannot load a LiveJournal page ‘cuz the server isn’t responding or just a general “page failed to load” error in IE.
I actually forgot to post last night. I remembered after I crawled into bed but didn’t feel it was worth getting up, turning on my laptop and firing up iJournal to post something. I’ve had a pretty productive two days at work. Yesterday I got a lot of stuff done on the new IT website. This afternoon I spent several hours playing with MacOS X and LDAP. I broke my MacOS X test box and almost had to re-install the OS to regain admin rights.
Might not post much this weekend as I’m heading down to Madison to be with my angel. It’s been two weeks since I saw her last, but it feels like a lot longer. Well, off to bed with me.

… I hope. I spent a lot of time in meetings at work over the past 4 days … Thu: 3, Fri: 3, Mon: 4, Tues: 4. I don’t have any tomorrow though. Yay! I can actually get something done maybe.
I stayed late at work tonight to finish up a section of the new ITS website. While I don’t really enjoy staying late most of the time, it’s a good time to actually get things done because there are few interruptions after normal work hours. This also means I get to leave early on Friday to head down south.
I discovered another truck problem that appears to have come about as a result of the deer collision I had. The housing that holds the passenger-side headlight in place was damaged so the light is no longer aimed properly (it points downward too much). *grumble* … another thing to get fixed … hopefully the insurance will cover it ‘cuz the part didn’t look cheap/chinsy. It’s scheduled to go into the shop next week I think.
Well, I’d best get to bed.