bummed …

on August 26, 2002 in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

I fired someone today. It felt horrible.


on August 12, 2002 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

I hate colds. Especially head colds. My head is quite messed up from this one. Earlier today I felt vaguely dizzy and disoriented because my sinuses are stuffed. My nose hurts from blowing it. On the bright side, I don’t have a headache anymore.
I probably gave this cold to my girlfriend over the weekend too, which really sucks because it means she’s going to be miserable. We get to spend next weekend together though, even if it does mean that I’ll be taking care of her (not that I mind doing that … she is so good to me).
Well, off to take some nice night-time sniffly, sneezy, stuffy-head -fixing type drugs (aka NyQuil) and get some sleep!

Apparently my Inner Rock Star is none other than Ricky Martin. I’m not sure if I should be concerned about this or not.

So … anybody reading this interested in checking out the Perseids meteor shower? It peaks Aug 12-13th.
I think I’m going to try and see it … should be pretty good out here away from the TC lights.

… which I am uncertain of what it means ….

I am a POET

I know that rhyming isnt everything, and I use my talent to explore my mind’s deepest and often the most eccentric corners, instead of focusing on the bad like so many angsty teenagers. Oh, and girls (as well as femmy guys) really go for my poetry…

Another post … guess I don’t have too much to say. I’m on vacation for the rest of the week and I have a friend of the family visiting from Canada… or Canadia as my gf would say. I get to see my angel in less than two weeks … yay! In a month she’ll be back in classes so I can see her nearly every day. I wonder if I’ll see beldurnik more often as well since he’s returning to classes.
I’m heading over to the Apple Store tomorrow afternoon then possibly going to dinner at Le Cordon Bleu, where my sister’s bf is taking culinary courses.
I want to go see Oliver! at UW-RF … St. Croix Valley Summer Theatre is putting it on. Maybe Rich and Sonja are interested in taking it in as well?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted I guess. Last week started off with replacing the tires on my truck because they were the wrong size. I guess the previous owner “cut a corner” and put smaller tires on. This explains why my speedometer was off by about 7%. I now have 31×10.50R15’s on it. They are the same size as my spare turned out to be (which is probably a good thing because it means I can actually use the spare).
I went down to Madison this past weekend (on Thursday actually) to spend some time with the love of my life and see one of my best friends get married. I think Joe and Melissa will be very happy together. It was a pretty short wedding … 1/2 an hour. I wish all weddings were that short.
This week I’m only working two days and then I get some time to relax and spend with friends. A friend of the family is down visiting from Canada this week, so I’ll spend some time with them. There are a few yard-work things that need to get done … like mowing and some weeding. Ick. I hate weeding. I don’t exactly like mowing, but I dislike weeding more.
I shall post more later this week. Right now I’m kinda sleepy and I’d rather not get run down on sleep before my vacation even starts.

… 7 days. I watched “Speed” on AMC tonight … I wasn’t aware it qualified as a “classic”. I guess it is a classic of sorts. Sandra Bullock is hot. :D Keanu was a lucky bastard. :)
And of course it has a sappy ending, which made me wish I had a certain girl to put my arms around and nuzzle with. So much so in fact that I called her aunt & uncle’s house … who told me she was at another aunt & uncle’s house and gave me the number to call her, which I did. Nobody was home so I left a rather sappy message on the answering machine. There’s a fair likelihood that she well get a ribbing because of it, which means I might get chewed out. Oh well, I love her and miss her and I don’t care who knows. :)
I suppose I should post pictures sometime?

… not sure that it’s in paradise though. Maybe it would be if my angel flutterbyefred were here. I didn’t feel like doing a whole lot tonight so I worked some more on the Dance Theatre concert from this past spring. It’s fun. I’m learning a bit about the software I’m using. I played with Photoshop to get a really nifty title screen over the weekend. I’m currently in the process of exporting the video into chunks to put onto a DVD, which will be my first foray into DVD authoring.
I’ve been trying to get to bed earlier this week to catch up on sleep. It seems to be working out okay. Has put me in a better mood in the mornings.
Less than 8 days from now, I’ll be happily holding Liz in my arms. Yay!

Another week of summer has fled. I don’t know where the time is going but I wish it didn’t go so fast. So much to do at work before classes resume in the fall. It’s going to make my life rather stressful in the next few weeks.
Thankfully, I will get to see my angel in less than two weeks. A friend of mine is getting married and Liz and I are going to the wedding as well as spending some QT together. I wish she wasn’t so far away. I survived last summer though.
I haven’t been sleeping well lately. This is actually the first night in a while that I’ve been tired at the proper time (around 10pm) and inclined to go to bed. The past few nights I’ve been wide awake like a night owl, which isn’t a good thing when I am supposed to be at work at 7:45am. I think people who have 9-5 jobs got it easy. There are times I wish I worked 9-5 or even 10-6. There are also times I wish I worked 7-3:30 or something similar so I could actually enjoy part of the afternoon rather than being cooped up in the dungeon/basement.
I am going to a car show tomorrow with my parents. I think I will go to another one at the MN State Fairgrounds next weekend.
Well, my bed is calling and my body really wants to go, so I guess that’s it for tonight.