It was hard to get motivated at work today. We interviewed a candidate for a position we have open as a result of a retirement. Unfortunately, late yesterday afternoon the university administration put a hiring freeze in place so we can’t fill this position with anything other than a temp. This sucks. Work is not very enjoyable right now. I’ve considered saying things to certain people that would likely bring about the need to polish up my resume.
I’ve been pondering paying for my livejournal account. I don’t think I use it enough at this point, but it appears that is the only way to get another invite code to give to a friend of mine who is interested. To those of you reading this … do you think it’s worthwhile to pay for it? Most of my friends post a lot more often than I do. Its one of my goals this year to post more often. People often ask me how things are going and I forget all the stuff that goes on in my life. I think this is one way of letting people know. I can also vent frustrations. Sometimes it just feels good to write it all down.
I put plastic on windows in my house today. Hopefully that cuts down on the heat loss.
I’m going to bed now … I hope tomorrow is a better day.
My angel’s heart is broken, and it’s my fault.
… okay, so it’s cold out and there’s some snow on the ground. I know this because I took a walk “downtown” to get some milk earlier this evening. I even have a Christmas tree all nicely decorated in my living room (thanks to Liz & Liz). I don’t feel particularly Christmas-y though. Not entirely sure why, but probably has something to do with stress from work. I’ve been a bit of a hermit today. I didn’t go outside except to get the newspaper and the trip downtown for milk. I’ve spent a fair chunk of my day up here in my computer room working on getting a second server box going to take over handling email and such while I rebuild my primary server. Oh what fun. I need to finish backing up data from the primary server tomorrow evening, then I can start rebuilding. Yay.
I got to chit-chat with Liz’s roommate Liz a little while on AIM tonight. I think that was one of the high points of my day … that and the Packers’ dominating the Bills this afternoon. Go Pack!
Yeah, I know I don’t post too often. It’s hard to find time these days, and when I do think about it I don’t know what to post. I spent some time with beldurnik and czar_sonja today … we went and saw The Two Towers. I really enjoyed it. I look forward to seeing it again. We went to TGI Friday’s afterwords for dinner. Yummy.
I had to return my angel to her father today. It was sad, but at least we got to spend last night together (original plan had been to return her last night, but thankfully the weather didn’t cooperate very well).
Tomorrow I shall continue preparations for rebuilding my file/web/ftp/database/dns/email server (trinity) … it’s a Debian linux box. Email is the only really critical thing so I’m going to get that up and running on another box so I can take down trinity. The OS install is about 3 years old or so and junk has accumulated to the point where I’m running out of space in some areas. I’d like to get up and running on a newer kernel too … currently at 2.2.9 due to the sound driver I’m using.
Well, off to bed for me.
Well, my housemates have finally moved out. They still have a few things left to pick up, but most everything is moved out. More importantly, I have the house to myself. This means that things generally stay where I put them (exception being when those darn poltergeists move things on me) and that if there’s a mess, it’s probably my fault.
I need to figure out what I’m going to do with the spare bedroom. I’ll probably set it up for guests since I don’t really need the space for storage or the like. I might make more use of it eventually if I go through with some remodeling/renovation ideas that I have. Among other things, the previous occupants of the house had paneling in my bedroom and put wallpaper over it, then I think they painted the wallpaper. Not good.
Not feeling too hot tonight so going to bed a bit early (though not as early as I had hoped). Hopefully I am feeling well enough to go to work tomorrow.
People who don’t show up on time (or at all) for meetings which I attend piss me off.
Audio DVDs are nifty. I have a New Age DVD that I’m listening to right now and it is quite nice. I can’t hear anything else in the house right now, but I don’t really mind.
I got a gift card to Border’s today. I think I might use it to buy the Audio DVD version of Metallica’s black album. That would *so* kick ass. I almost bought it when I got this one, but didn’t because I thought that might be a bit too extravagent. Maybe I should ask for some Audio DVDs for Xmas.
My sister’s bf has been using my truck for the past few months while he got his car fixed (timing belt went I think). He found out last week that the engine block is cracked so even though he doesn’t have the car (Hyundai Sonata) paid off, he’s further ahead replacing it. So they have started looking at other cars (Chevy Cavaliers). I have a message on my answering machine right now that he locked the keys in the truck at work and needs me to come get them out. Grumble. I didn’t rush out right away because I know he doesn’t get done with work for a while, I don’t know if I need to be here to let Cori (his sister, who is also staying with me now … more on that later) into the house since she doesn’t have a key, and I don’t feel like driving into Stillwater during evening rush hour. He gave me directions to the restaurant he’s working at, but didn’t leave a restaurant name or a number. Argh! Isn’t that stupid?
I’m getting *really* tired of the rain. The weatherman said tonight that so far this month we’ve gotten about 3.1″ of rain. Normal *total* for the month is 2.1″. Yowsa. It appears we’re having one of the wettest years on record too.
I hope this means we get lots of snow this winter. I love lots of snow, even though I don’t like shoveling it. That would just mean I have to buy a snow blower. That gets kinda spendy though if you want a decent one.
I spent my entire afternoon reformatting and gutting computers. Mostly Gateway 2K PCs… those cases SUCK! I hate them. I cut a finger dealing with one ‘cuz the cover was being beligerent (gotta love OS X’s built-in spell-check for every application). So many stinkin’ screws to remove too. I do have a pet peeve about computer cases … people who can’t take the time to put a couple screws back in the case to make sure the cover stays on and doesn’t slip and cut somebody piss me off. Grrr!
Well, I was up late watching the Pack hand da Bears a loss. I think that was the best Packer game I’ve watched this season. They actually had a solid win (rather than either pulling it out of their collective rear end or having it handed to them on a plate). Go Packers!
Off to bed for me!
WTF? I really don’t consider myself a jock. One more point on the side that these tests are screwy (who didn’t know that?).
I went up to my parents place last night and stayed overnight. I left approximately 6pm. My sister was here taking a nap before she went bac to Hudson for her boss’s wedding reception. I got home today and found a pile of dog poo on the stairs leading to the second floor, where my sister’s bedroom is and my computers.
I called her at work and asked my sister if she had had a 4-legged animal in the house last night. She said no and was wondering if I had (since she had noticed the poo this morning). She hadn’t remembered that it wasn’t there when she went to bed last night. When she realized that the deposit must have taken place at night while she and her bf were sleeping, she became very disturbed by it. Of course, I’m not all that thrilled either. I now have a nice brown spot on the carpeting as well as a security problem, though the security problem is being resolved by way of new locks. I’m not missing anything that I’m aware of, though there were plenty of items worth stealing (including a laptop computer).