I actually talked to anney on the phone today … she decided she’d like some ‘puter boxes to ship her computer to HI. I hope she decided I’m worthy of chit-chatting with over a meal or something before she leaves. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her in quite a while. I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to visit her and zason over there … but we’ll see. I’m glad we had nice weather today, though I could have done without the snow this evening. Icky. I stayed at work later than normal so that I could start burning Dance Theatre DVDs and get some computers set up for a donation to a school that one of our former employees is consulting for. I also did some testing on some laser printers … one of which I think is going to end up at my parents’ place for their usage, since we can’t really use it at work anymore due to the connection type it uses.
This morning we had yet another email group meeting. This was the second one trying to decide what email clients to support. We have made a preliminary decision to use Outlook Express, having ruled out Outlook with the Corporate Time calendar connector as something that would be at risk of breaking in the future, since the connector that makes it work with our new calendaring system is a hack. So now we’re doing research to make sure OE will work correctly in our email environment.
My license tabs for my truck still haven’t arrived. Grumble. They better arrive before Sunday because I’m planning on going up to my parents for a visit and it would be good to be able to put the new tabs on my old 4Runner so that they can drive it again.
Oh…. another bathroom pet peeve … guys who seem to think they have good enough aim that they don’t need to lift the toilet seat. Is it all that hard? We were reduced to one toilet in the basement of the library today because some guy decided to be “untidy” and the other toilet was … well … I’ll just say I didn’t want to use it.
I did a bit more work on the new dance theatre website tonight. It’s not on the UWRF server yet and the site isn’t complete, but I hope to have it finished and uploaded by the end of the week. By the way … for those who aren’t aware, we’re having our spring concert in a few weeks and I encourage anybody who is reading this (and those who aren’t) to try to attend. It’s Dance Theatre’s biggest fund-raiser and the money goes towards the production and other DT activities. I especially encourage those who are of the opinion that Dance Theatre is just for artsy folks. /end of shameless plug.
I’m looking forward to the weekend. Nice weather should make it very enjoyable. Heck, even if it rains I think I’ll be happy.
Well, time for sleep. I was pretty energetic today, but I doubt that will be the case tomorrow, ‘cuz it’s already past my bedtime. It’s one of the few reasons it would be nice to live closer to work … shorter commute.
Today I was feeling very apathetic about work. It sucked. I just didn’t feel like working in the office, even though I had a lot to get done there, so I went and did a couple of office calls. I’m sure I could have been more productive. As it stands, one of my top priorities tomorrow is to evaluate email clients, so I have it done before the meeting we have on that subject on Friday. I think I need a break from work. I’m going to take off a day over Spring Break because that’s the most convenient time to do it. Maybe I should take two days and spent some time with a buddy who’s going to be up visiting from Ohio.
I heard from a good friend again today … Laura for those who know her. She’s doing well. She’s decided to take a break before moving on to grad school. I can’t remember what she’s studying unfortunately. I am currently planning on heading down to see her graduate … or at least celebrate with her. Hopefully she can come up for the DT concert, but I’d be surprised.
Off to bed …. *yawn*
… guys who don’t wash their hands after using urinals …. EWWWW!!! and worse … go into computer labs …. ICK!!!
Today is someone’s birthday. flutterbyefred turned 21. I had been hoping to take her out tonight but that never happened ‘cuz I ended up staying late to deliver a computer to someone. It wasn’t the setup that killed me though … it was the 2 hrs or so of orientation. Ick.
I wish we had gotten more snow today. This stuff was interesting though … not the really slippery variety, though apparently we got some freezing rain for a while so the sidewalks were not-so-fun.
I’m looking forward to beldurnik and czar_sonja‘s return. I need to get them out here sometime rather than hanging out in the Cities. It’s cool and all … but I’m feeling like a homebody these days. anney needs to come out and check out my house too.
Yay! I finally feel like Dance Theatre is starting. I realize that it’s actually been going on all year, but I think until we start preparing for the concert I don’t feel like anything is going on because I’m not actively involved. We had a run through of the pieces for the tech crew (which includes myself). We have a nice variety. I am not sure if we have the same number of “quiet” pieces this year or not. We do have one piece that’s almost disturbing … it’s set to a piece from the movie soundtrack for “The Cell”. Some of them are pretty cool though. I’m going to suggest to our media technician that we bridge in a 300watt Crown amp with the new Nady amp… I’m not sure if we’ll gain anything but I’d like to know. More “thump” is generally a good thing.
For those of you who are interested, the concert performances are April 1-5th, at 8pm in the Davis Theatre at UW-RF.
It’s the end of another weekend again. I did manage to get some cleaning done this weekend, so my house is in reasonable shape. I paid Rich and Sonja a visit this afternoon and we did lunch at Pizza Lucé’s in Minneapolis. Yummy. I think I can safely say I don’t care for garlic on pizza. Poor Rich had the hiccups for most of the afternoon. After eating all that pizza, he was very uncomfortable.
I did some searching at a Circuit City for a TV monitor for video editing. They had a nice 14″ sony tv for $199. I’m not inclined to spend that much on one though. I talked to my friend Joe tonight about my IIgs problem. He said he had a 1/2 dozen of them and is willing to send me a replacement motherboard to fix my problem…. or I can wait until Easter …. he thinks he might be coming up for a visit. I think I can probably wait that long … in the meantime I can live with an emulator.
Tomorrow is another work day. I hope the network problem I discovered late Friday is fixed … otherwise I could get a lot of calls about printing.
I had an enjoyable day. I went up to my parents to pick up my camera’s memory card so I can loan it to beldurnik for his trip. I got to eat yummy homemade cinnamon rolls too. I came home and napped for three hours, which was refreshing … also probably explains why I’m awake at 11:45pm. I woke up and putzed on the computer for a while … decided to try and find an Apple IIgs emulator since I can’t get my IIgs to work. If anybody has one they’d be willing to sell, I might be interested. I really miss playing some of the old classic games for them …. Montezuma’s Revenge, Sea Fox, etc..
After that, I did some cleaning and got word that flutterbyefred and liz4jc4ever wanted to stop by with pizza … which of course I couldn’t object to, even if they weren’t bringing pizza. We watched Gone in 60 Seconds ‘cuz flutterbyefred hadn’t seen it yet. It was an enjoyable time with good company.
It’s been another long week at work. I nearly went home ill this afternoon but I wanted to get a computer delivered. The recipient was very happy. I also got to order some audio equipment for the Dance Theatre concert to provide some “thump”. Should be fun. The amp is 125W per channel and I got a pair of 15″ subwoofers too for a total less than $500. We’re going to hook them to a crossover so they just provide bass. If anybody’s interested, we got them from the marsmusic.com going-out-of-business sale.
Anyway, I’m really tired tonight. I haven’t posted the past few days because I’ve been having trouble accessing the LiveJournal website… not that I use it to post, but I figured if I can’t access the website I probably wouldn’t be able to post with the client either. I have my new wireless access point. It’s been giving me grief by cutting out the wireless signal occassionally. I’m not sure why. I might have to give them a call or email and ask what’s up. At least it’s not cutting out wired service, which would affect my mail server.
Yesterday the chancellor gave her doom and gloom talk regarding budget. I wasn’t there so I got the news second-hand. Apparently all adjunct faculty positions are being cut. Yikes. UWRF’s share of the state budget cut is $1.6 million … which is quite a hefty chunk. To compensate they’re going to raise tuition $250 each semester for the next 2 yrs … making up 38% of the cuts. While it’s harsh, I think they’re between a rock and a hard place. If they don’t raise tuition, they have to cut programs. If they cut programs, they will lose students. On the other hand, by raising tuition, they may lose students too. Hopefully aid can make up most of the difference. UW System still ranks #9 in the Big Ten for tuition costs, but that’s little consolation to the student who can no longer afford school.
Yesterday I finished my sofa project. I converted a sleeper sofa into a semi-regular sofa for flutterbyefred and liz4jc4ever. It was fun. They now have additional seating space in their reshall room. I found it amusing that the sofa was going back into a reshall because I used it myself when I lived in Prucha Hall… I think it was even about this time of year when I moved it in there. How crazy is that?
I need to hook up with someone from my parents’ neck of the woods so that I can retrieve a SmartMedia card for Rich to take on his trip. I hope he enjoys it. I’d love to go overseas someday… maybe a honeymoon.
Time for bed … I’m thoroughly exhausted and am having trouble typing.
I’m really frustrated tonight. I tried setting up mail services on morpheus and I am apparently missing some parts but I don’t know where they are. I guess I will try to index some more of the install CDs tomorrow and see if it’s on something other than the first CD (which wouldn’t make much sense to me).
Tonight I watched a fair amount of morbid television … perhaps that is contributing to my mood. I watched a 2-hr show on kamikaze … pilots and such. Now there is a show on suicide bombers. Grumble. It’s off now though … ‘cuz it’s bed-time for me.
Well, it’s 10:35 … time for bed. It’s the end of the weekend. I wish it would last a day or so longer. I wasn’t as productive as I had planned, but I did get something accomplished today. I spent some time in my spare bedroom modifying the bedframe that I built. I wanted it shorter so I chopped the legs a bit. It now looks quite reasonable. Now I just need to get a new mattress for it and probably finagle some additional support bars. The mattress is going to have to be a futon because I don’t think a new regular mattress would be flexible enough to go up the stairs particularly easily.
I also got the “server” that was up at my parents up and running. I think it could use a good cleaning because the soot and stuff that it ingested up north is now being spewed back out to some degree because I can smell it. I think it also contributes significantly to the temperature in the room though so it’s not on right now. I am going to try to move my mail from my main server over to this backup so that I can upgrade the mail softwere on the main one to something that will support seive scripts. I’d also like to start using a mysql database for login so that I can set up mail for people without giving them a login account. I found instructions on doing so, but my first attempt at part one failed to build. Grrr.
I also got off my butt and emailed some people I haven’t heard from in a while … Laura and William. Laura is a student at UW-LaCrosse and William is a grad student going for his doctorate in nuclear physics. Talk about a long ways from the farm he grew up on. I hope I hear back from them soon.
Random thought … anybody know where I can get a working Apple IIgs? I’d like to play some of my old arcade-type games again … hopefully the floppy disks still work. I know some of them do because I have a partially functional IIgs right now that will boot them, but I can’t type anything with the computer so I don’t know if the games actually run.