Hey there friends … I expect I shall be posting more now that Dance Theatre is pretty much done with for the year. Getting home at 10:30 after spending 14 hrs on campus is rather draining so I haven’t been posting much lately. Friday night after the concert flutterbyefred and I went to the Relay for Life thingy at the RF high school to provide support for liz4jc4ever. I tried to sleep a fair amount on Saturday, went to a smelt feed in Spring Valley in the afternoon then the DT concert in the evening. After the DT concert I got to have fun at the cast party. They actually killed a half-barrel by 1:30. It was quite the party, but I think they should have put the stereo downstairs. The boombox they were using downstairs sounded pitiful. The floor in the basement wasn’t covered anyway so people tended to stay upstairs anyway. I left shortly before 2/3 am (fuzzy time due to DST switch). Got home and sent an email to liz4jc4ever since she was down near Madison for a funeral (:( :(). Today I slept in a few chunks of hrs then went to River Falls, then Black River Falls to pick her up. Got back at 10:20p. That’s been my weekend. Not real exciting… that’s next weekend!
I am getting really fucking tired of slow meetings. I don’t have patience for them right now. I think my mind is stuck in high gear and these meetings are like ugly traffic jams that just serve to put me into a pissy mood.
Not much to post about lately I guess. Busy with Dance Theatre stuff. It’s fun. I enjoy it. Part of me is a little grumpy though ‘cuz I don’t get to go to the Def Leppard concert on Friday. beldurnik and czar_sonja are coming out to RF to see the DT concert on Saturday night. I’m greatly looking forward to it.
I am really happy that my parents finally have high-speed Internet. They got DSL service on Friday… actually earlier in the week but the computer they were installing it to got bolluxed up by the installer. They got it working with a different computer on Friday. I came up for a visit today to install a router so they can share the connection between the 3 computers. I gave them my old SMC Barricade to use for this. Apparently the firmware that was on it (unsupported version that I upgraded to while I was using it) has decided to be flakey so I downgraded it from v1.95u to 1.95n. I’d like to put 1.95j on it since that’s what people in the forums are recommending but I can’t seem to locate it in a format that I can make use of (only Windows EXEs)
I find it interesting how reading statements relating to national pride sometimes give me goosebumps. I just browsed over a news article relating to the deployment of the 4th Infantry Division … aka Task Force Ironhorse. I read it because liz4jc4ever‘s brother is part of that division, though his trip over was delayed to make room for some MPs on the plane. It sucks because Liz got word Thursday that he was leaving, and now he’s not gone, and she’ll probably get word again soon that he really is leaving and have to again go through the thoughts that enter one’s head when you ponder a loved one departing for military combat.
Anyway. I was reading that article and some of the statements inspire a degree of national pride and sense of history that few other things do.
Dance Theatre rehearsal went very well tonight. We finished 2 hrs ahead of schedule (otherwise I’d still be there). I think our decision to go without a student stage manager calling cues is working out very well indeed. I have rehearsals every day through Monday, then we have performances. I managed to get the updated website in place yesterday. That made me happy.
Work has been rather crazy. We’re working on having people evaluate email clients, which of course involves getting them installed. Since we want them configured in a particular way it’s wise to have install instructions, which of course weren’t written up so I had to write them yesterday so my technicians could take care of the installs. I am still doing a few installs myself simply because of what those users are currently using to read their email.
Now I think I’m just going to go to sleep while I can still safely make it down the stairs.
… what spring break. I had one day off this week, so not a big break for me. But it was enough, ‘cuz I was approaching burn-out and my body was telling me to take a break. Hopefully I can survive the next two weeks ‘cuz there won’t be time for naps. I also probably won’t be doing much in the line of posting either, since rehearsals start at around 4:30 and last until around 10ish … and that doesn’t including time to drive home. Ideally I’d be able to eat during rehearsal too, but that will require someone to get food for me.
I just finished watching a show on submarines … including a portion regarding the Kursk and the K-129. Interesting stories. I’m thinking of getting a cell phone … I’m looking at AT&T Wireless … they seem to have a pretty good plan for $30/mth. I’d drop my wired phone’s long distance service for this.
Time for bed. My thoughts and prayers go out to those who are in the middle east for the war, as well as those who love them.
I’m hanging out with liz4jc4ever and her friend Paula for a while tomorrow and we need something fun to do. Any suggestions? I was thinking maybe a museum in the Cities but I’m not sure.
I had visitors tonight. They came bearing gifts. The first was a hilarious card which contained something even more amuzing … twisty ties (yes, I know I have creative spelling … I’m tired). The second was a card so I can go buy something that cuts wood. We shall see.
My parents treated me to dinner at Jake’s Supper Club on Tainter Lake north of Menomonie. It was yummy … serlion tips … er tenderlion tips (yes … more creative spelling) … sweet potatoes … and a salad. Yummy.
I should get to bed while I can still think … since I obviously can’t type.
Work today was pretty boring. While working on other things I had another computer burning copies of the Dance Theatre concert DVD from last year. Nothing particularly exciting. I worked on getting some of the old computers we’ve accumulated from doing new computer installs out the door as well as getting some records updated. My day got cut short however ‘cuz I had to go rescue liz4jc4ever from a vehicular problem while she was in the cities. On the way back I decided to get my oil changed, so that’s done and my truck’s happier for it. I learned that Toyota dyes their coolant red … so my radiator has red stuff in it rather than green. This is useful to know in case it ever springs a leak and I wonder what the heck all the red stuff is and why it was in my radiator. It is overdue for some maintenance … I need to get said cooling system flushed among other things ‘cuz it has sediment in it. Not too good.
Off to bed … I’m tired and just don’t feel like dealing with the day any longer.