Happy kitten: Your content with your life and you
have many friends. you are easy to get along
with and are very lovable.
What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Happy kitten: Your content with your life and you
have many friends. you are easy to get along
with and are very lovable.
What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, I just found out I currently weigh less than Liv Tyler (thought not less than she weighed when filiming LOTR). Not sure if that’s a good thing, but I think I’m fine.
I spent most of the evening with my younger sister tonight. We went to Woodbury to do some shopping. I got xmas gifts for liz4jc4ever and flutterbyefred, as well as a wedding gift for one of my coworkers. In order not to spoil surprises, I will simply indicate that we went to Best Buy, Circuit City, Pier 1 Imports and Bed, Bath and Beyond, a lighting shop (where they have $3600 chandeliers!!) and another knick-knacky type shop next door to it (can’t remember name). Then we went to Applebee’s for dinner.
We had a nice long chat. It appears that she will be moving back up near my parents this coming spring (
). The restaurant that her bf works at is apparently trying to mislead him about his future there.
I did manage to pick up some video dubbing cables that I needed, so now I can easily dump video between my computer and VCR. It’s tempting to try to figure out if I can write some scripts to record TV shows that way.
You are Proverbs.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I’m really curious what some of my old classmates from high school are up to these days. I visited classmates.com and update my profile on that site. It appears roughly 1/3 of my classmates have registered there. I’m considering getting a paid membership so I can get in touch with them, especially since next year will be 10 yrs. One surprise for me was someone on the list that I don’t recall going to high school with, but went to college with.
Yesterday evening the plan was for liz4jc4ever and I to have a nice sit-down home-cooked dinner. My parents were coming down to spend the day with me (I had it off) so I decided to invite them to join us. When Liz was ready to come over, we decided that flutterbyefred could join us too. The plan was that flutterbyefred’s mother would pick her up on her way to RF. The timing of making the meal happened such that flutterbyefred’s mother arrived just as food was ready, so she joined us for dinner as well. This was the most people that have ever eaten together here in as long as I’ve had this house (2-1/4 yrs). I’m not sure what to make of it. My parents … my ex-gf … her mother … my gf and myself. It went pretty well and the food was yummy (special thanks to flutterbyefred and liz4jc4ever for preparing it).
Today at work:
– tweaked permissions for film scanner software so students can use it (it couldn’t write temp files)
– repaired disk catalog problems, installed IE, and upgraded OS on a Mac in Psych dept
– upgraded Novell Netware client and Eudora on a PC in Psych dept
– assisted one of my student techs with troubleshooting a Novell Netware client problem (turned out that user didn’t have an account)
– installed new HP LaserJet printer in one of the Mac labs (including configuration of printer and workstations)
– tweaked memory settings for a Logo application
Things that didn’t get done at work that I had intended to do today:
– memory order for Journalism dept chair
– gripe call to Quark inquiring about where my software is
Things that got done at home:
– garage tidied up so I can park in it (I don’t like scraping snow and ice)
– bathroom cleaned
– kitchen cleaned (including dishes done and table junk taken care of)
– living room cleaned and vacuumed
– bed prepped in spare bedroom
– several CDs converted to MP3s
Not too bad a day, but too long. I’m going to regret it tomorrow. Tomorrow night I’m going out with liz4jc4ever and others to Buca di Beppo in St. Paul to celebrate her 3 yrs of cancer remission.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul |
rjrbytes goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a pirate. |
beldurnik tricks you! You get a scratched CD. |
chaunny gives you 1 teal lime-flavoured miniature candy bars. |
czar_sonja tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy! |
dittrich gives you 13 light orange banana-flavoured nuggets. |
dusty_miller gives you 3 teal chocolate-flavoured gummy bears. |
flutterbyefred tricks you! You get a dead frog. |
galatea gives you 8 white grapefruit-flavoured nuggets. |
gspdawg gives you 3 red cherry-flavoured gummy bears. |
liz4jc4ever gives you 5 mauve spearmint-flavoured pieces of chewing gum. |
zason tricks you! You get a rock. |
rjrbytes ends up with 32 pieces of candy, a scratched CD, a dead frog, and a rock. |
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern. |
Work today started off not too badly. This is a good thing since it was my first day back from vacation. I spent some time helping a coworker record some voice tracks for some theatre performances. I learned that it is difficult to hear a fire alarm when you’re in a sound isolation booth.
This afternoon was also fairly uneventful, though I learned of a problem that has apparently cropped up with the slide scanning software … my guess is that it is trying to create a temp file in a location that lab users don’t have access to do so. I need to get that fixed tomorrow since there are a number of students who need to make use of it for an assignment. It would be nice if some things that work when I set them up would stay working when they’re needed.
Tomorrow night is probably going to be house cleaning night. I will have guests (my girlfriend’s parents) staying over on Thursday night. Thursday night is a celebratory get-together at Buca di Beppo’s in St. Paul. Not sure what’s going on for the weekend. If the weather is decent, I’ll try and replace my driveway light with one that has a motion sensor on it. I should also do some tidying up in the garage so I can actually make use of it when snow flies.