Well, this is my first post as a married man. Got back from the honeymoon at 2:30am this morning. I decided to be nice and get up at 10:30 or so when the kitties decided they wanted attention so that they wouldn’t wake liz4jc4ever up. They are very happy to have us back.
My first project was to check and see why my MythTV box has been recording a staticy image ever since I moved the hardware into Liz’s “old” computer (she has more or less taken over my laptop for now). As it turns out, I was really bright and connected the cable tv feed into the FM input on the PVR-350. It’s interesting that I had actually recorded any image at all given that. This has been corrected and I went through and deleted the recordings that had been done for me that were affected. I’ll let Liz decide whether she wants to keep hers or not.
Anyhow, thanks to all who attended the wedding. I had a good time and I hope others did as well even though it was bloomin’ hot. At least the guests didn’t have to wear tuxedos. I will be getting pictures back from the photographer mid-week. They won’t all be posted since he estimated he had taken around 1400 photos. It’s going to take a little while to go through them and decide what to post in our photo gallery.
Well, this is it. The big day. This is my last post as a single man. I’m up *way* too early, but I’m excited. I’m going to try to lay back down and nap later this morning after I’ve got some food in my stomach. Yesterday I partied way too hard at the rehearsal dinner… ended up with heat exhaustion, which made for a sucky rest of the evening. Apparently that also makes me more susceptible to the heat today as well. That’s not good since today is supposed to be warmer than yesterday. We’re debating not wearing our tux jackets today since the church doesn’t have A/C. As much time as possible will be spent in the basement where it’s cool.
I need to thank Liz for the amount of work she’s put into making this day go well. Everything has been *soo* well planned that there have been few worries for me. {{{{{ Liz }}}}}}
I just finished reading a very interesting blog entry on one person’s perspective regarding violence in video games. I thought it was well-written. In summary, it was this person’s opinion that violent people aren’t the result of violent video games, but rather a result of bad parenting. I’m sure many people have heard this before and chalked it up as another “excuse”. This is where the author’s credibility takes hold. He went to Columbine High School and was freinds with both the killers and the victims. He makes a point about 11-yr olds playing Grand Theft Auto. I concede that playing GTA could possibly have an effect on an 11-yr old. But… GTA isn’t intended for 11-yr olds. It has a “Mature” rating. How could an 11-yrold be playing GTA? Bad parenting. I think GTA is intended for an audience that is mature enough not to get reality and “the game world” confused.
On a totally unrelated note… the recent ruling that journalists have to reveal their sources if ordered to do so by a court. I’m not sure where to stand on this. I wholeheartedly agree with the journalist’s side that it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to do their jobs if they can’t provide protection to their sources. However, there is a problem with their desire to have the same right to patient confidentiality as counselors, doctors, etc. To the best of my knowledge, you don’t need a license to practice journalism. I think this ruling is going to have a detrimental effect until something can be done to ensure some protections. I heard on public radio the other day that a major newspaper (I can’t remember where) had announced that it was stopping investigation into two major news stories because they feared for their sources. I think this ruling works in favor of a government that has something to hide from the people it serves.
On a final note, I find it amusing that some people think “freedom of speech” gives them the freedom to say whatever they wish without any repurcussions.
Our MythTV box died tonight. It decided it wasn’t going to boot up anymore. It powers on, but no chugging of the hard drive accessing or any video signal (even on VGA) or keyboard lights. Anyway, Liz’s “old” PC has been repurposed and is now up and 95% functional … still need to figure out some audio routing issues if I want to listen to MP3s on it. Time for bed.
I’ve sunburnt my head already. And I wasn’t even out in the sun all that much (and certainly not much during peak hours). Argh!
This weekend’s adventure was mostly down in Iowa. liz4jc4ever and I had a wedding shower down in Spirit Lake, IA. Great fun was had, especially since Liz had a fair amount of a golden-colored liquid that had a tendency to foam when poured. Lots of very yummy food. I ate sufficiently much that I didn’t even have room for desert (strawberries over angel food cake). We had a fun and relaxing boat ride on the lake. Afterwords, we got to stay up late with family and make smores at the campfire. Great fun. And it didn’t rain!
This evening, after we had been home for a few hours, we had another adventure in Woodbury at TGI Friday’s with beldurnik and czar_sonja. Discussions of the wedding and related possible fun was had. Tomorrow is a 1/2 day at work followed by a trip to apply for a marriage license and dance lessons, possibly followed by an investigation into why our registry at Target apparently wasn’t/isn’t working correctly.
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You scored as Nerd Cat. Holy crap, poindexter. Try buying some new specs instead of taping them together. Yeah, Bill Gates made a lot of money, but he’s also the devil. You’ve got a long way to go.
Which Absurd Cat are you? |
For those who are curious, this weekend’s tornado went through about a 1/2 mile or a little more to the west of my house. I didn’t have any damage at all.