oh the insanity (of work)

on August 21, 2007 in Uncategorized

So work is nuts this week because I’m squeezing in extra hours while Liz and Laura are down visiting my in-laws. I did 7:30a-6:30p on Monday and 6:45a-7:05p today. Tomorrow is scheduled to be a long day since we’re doing some fail-over testing after business hours. I got frustrated today because the scope of that testing crept significantly from what was originally scheduled when we came up with the date last week. The goal was to perform the tests we couldn’t do without affecting systems already in production (thus requiring an outage window for the production systems). For example, we will be testing LDAP redundancy. It expanded a bit which led to stress on my part since the planning and whatnot really eats into time needed to get other things accomplished before the campus returns to life. I expressed frustration to my manager, but unfortunately was too late to really do anything about the schedule.

At home, I’m feeling lazy tonight. I watched an episode of Modern Marvels on “doomsday scenarios”. They didn’t present much that I hadn’t heard about before, but I did learn what lends plausibility to some of them. It’s shows like that that make you wonder why in creation we want to bring new lives into this world, given how badly we seem to have messed it up.

Home projects? Not much going on. I did some experimenting with Flash video encoding using ffmpeg this past weekend and was pretty pleased with the results. Enough so that I’ll be switching video formats for the UWRF dance theatre website (starting with the 2007 videos). If you’re reading this, any suggestions as to how big a video file is too big? I have one piece up here in two sizes. The video is all compressed so I just need to figure out what size to post. I also need to sort through two CDs worth of still photos from the concert and figure out which ones I want to post on the website.

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:D :-) :( :o 8O :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: