To the idiot who installed the water heater that’s in my house … wtf were you thinking when you didn’t put a water shut-off valve “upstream” of the water heater. The only way to cut off water supply to it is to shut off water to entire house. Why is this relevant? My water heater is dead and leaking.
Archive for October, 2004
For those of you who feel you have too many brain cells … check this out.
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You preferred Kerry’s statements 89% of the time
You preferred Bush’s statements 11% of the time Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues? Find out now! |
You Should Be a Girl Scout for Halloween! |
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So… anybody got a girl scout uniform I could borrow?
It’s snowing!!!!
Well, another restless night. Not sure why. It does mean that work is going to be a long day. Today (sunday) was fairly uneventful. Liz had been going to go to the wedding fair today, so I was going to work on dance theatre photos. She got a lot done yesterday and decided that it wasn’t worthwhile to go to the wedding fair today (she already has dress ordered and invites picked out). So we chilled out with her mom for a while this morning after church. After her mom left, we took a nice nap. All-in-all, a very quiet day. It was even pretty quiet outside, unlike yesterday when there were Harleys all over the place for the “nut run”. There were probably a few hundred and there was a constant rumbling outside for a while.
Tonight we did a bit more wedding planning … principally working on the ceremony.
Who knows what this week will bring. I don’t have anything major planned, but we need to go shopping and pick up a wedding gift for a wedding we’re going to this coming weekend (gal I used to babysit). Maybe do some snowblower shopping too (for some reason, neither Liz nor I are enthusiastic about shoveling the driveway at 6-6:30am). If any readers have suggestions, I’m open. Liz and I saw a Toro 2-stage at the MN state fair that we liked… I just haven’t been any place that carries them.
I’ve pretty much gotten my mythtv system rebuilt. I had to tear it apart because the P2-233 didn’t have the ponies to do what I want. My future in-laws were gracious enough to donate their P3-733 to me for parts since it was flaking out on them. I did a motherboard transplant and rebuilt the mythtv box using Fedora Core 2. The drivers for the PVR-350 are in a bit of flux, so I was going to wait for a complete “stable” release of those, but I managed to get it working by downloading a pre-compiled X driver that I found a link in a mythtv-users message. So I got tv recording playback working last night. This morning I enjoyed watching 3 hrs worth of tv in two hours (courtesy of fast-fowarding through commercials). I might make some quality tweaks at some point, but first I’d like to figure out how to get the interface “window” to show completely on the tv screen. Right now the upper and left edges are cut off. This evening I discovered something very interesting. I have the myth box connected to my stereo (Kenwood VR-407), using two different inputs. I have the PVR-350 (vid/tuner card) connected to VIDEO1, with S-Video and stereo RCA audio. I have the audio output of the motherboard connected to MD/TAPE. I assumed that I would have to live with having the visual interface for MythMusic on VIDEO1 and switch to MD/TAPE when I wanted to hear it (and lose the visual). Much to my surprise, I’m currently listening to MD/TAPE but seeing the video for VIDEO1. I’ll have to do more experimenting to see if this is an anomaly or if it will always work this nicely.
Right now I’m listening to Neil Diamond with my dad and waiting for liz4jc4ever, her mother and my mother to return from shopping. Hopefully in the not too distant future, we’ll have yummy lasagna to eat.