a short update

on July 29, 2004 in Uncategorized

I did manage to get the MythTV tweaked enough that the web interface is now web-accessible (provided you have a username and password … didn’t want everyone in the world programming my PVR, though there are apparently some people who don’t mind that sort of thing. I also managed to get some coworkers interested in making their own. I’m not sure how well it will work for them since they don’t have land-line analog cable like I do… I’m pretty sure they have satellite. The MythTV software is capable of other stuff tho, so who knows.
I got to deliver another new computer today to the campus photo service person. He was pretty happy to get it. It should help out a lot once he gets his software set up. The KC Chiefs are in town so he’s doing a lot of photos right now. I’m delivering another computer to the sports info guy in the same office area tomorrow. I wish I could deliver one of these to myself, but I’ll have to be content and let the replacement cycle work it’s way through to me.
This weekend sounds like there may be the possibility of a little family get-together. Not sure if that’s going to happen but we’ll see I guess. May also be the possibility of hitting Bona Casa (which I really *need* to take beldurnik to sometime. Speaking of him, we’re getting together with him on Sunday so liz4jc4ever can get a bike ride. It should be fun. Perhaps there should be grilled brats involved…

2 Responses to “a short update”

  1. dittrich says:

    You should post some details of the MythTV project. I’d be curious to see the hardware you’re using & any gotchas you ran into.
    Not that I’m likely to build such a machine anytime soon (although it’s tempting)…but I’m curious about it. I didn’t even know it was web-accessible. I can already picture how useful that particular feature would be.
    Will Myth work with digital cable, I wonder. I guess it depends on the capture card, really. I’ve got an el cheapo card and it works with the digital cable BUT doesn’t get the digital stations, just the analog ones (on different channels though). It’s probably just receiving the analog signal and not even seeing the digital one.

    • rjrbytes says:

      mythtv project
      I am planning on writing up some pages on some of my projects, particularly this one. I’m running it on a PII-233 with a Hauppauge PVR-350 capture/tuner card. The card does both encoding and decoding (which is why I chose it), so the rest of the computer doesn’t have to be fancy … load average is around 0.10-0.20 when capturing.
      I was particularly interested in this project because it does have a web interface that you can use to schedule recordings with. I have analog cable specifically because I don’t have to worry about having a decode box and can easily do stuff like this.
      The biggest difficulty I ran into was finding a how-to that actually got the drivers working. I actually went through 4 Linux distros before I found one that worked. That one went pretty smoothly, with the only difficulty being that there was a setting to tweak to get the card to decode rather than the processor (a PII-233 doesn’t decode 720×480 MPEG-2 very well).. and that was difficult mainly because my screen size isn’t tweaked quite right (so the “next” and “back” buttons are difficult to see for the wizard).
      I will post a URL for details later.

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