I spent most of the evening with my younger sister tonight. We went to Woodbury to do some shopping. I got xmas gifts for liz4jc4ever and flutterbyefred, as well as a wedding gift for one of my coworkers. In order not to spoil surprises, I will simply indicate that we went to Best Buy, Circuit City, Pier 1 Imports and Bed, Bath and Beyond, a lighting shop (where they have $3600 chandeliers!!) and another knick-knacky type shop next door to it (can’t remember name). Then we went to Applebee’s for dinner.
We had a nice long chat. It appears that she will be moving back up near my parents this coming spring (
). The restaurant that her bf works at is apparently trying to mislead him about his future there.
I did manage to pick up some video dubbing cables that I needed, so now I can easily dump video between my computer and VCR. It’s tempting to try to figure out if I can write some scripts to record TV shows that way.