Archive for July 28th, 2003

Okay, today I didn’t get a single &#*# thing accomplished at work that I started out the day needing to do. I got stuck as the permanent staff backup to the HelpDesk student staff for a 3rd day in a row, only I was also “workflow coordinator” today as well. Basically anybody who had an “emergency” or crisis relating to their computer or network account went through me today. Not fun. To top it off, some things that were done this weekend didn’t turn out quite as planned and some of the loudest complainers on campus were affected by it. I’m going to try to make myself pretty unavailable the rest of the week so I can get some stuff accomplished.
In other news, I would like to go and get one of them nice 160GB Maxtor drives at Best Buy ($99 after rebates), but am not sure if anybody is going to have them in stock by the time I get there (tomorrow afternoon). Based on past experience, they don’t like giving rain checks either. Another possibility would be to get a motherboard that does RAID 0/1 and get a pair of 120GB drives for $60 ea. The third possibility would just be to get a 120GB drive for $60. :)
I’m still trying to get my server rebuilt with FreeBSD 5.1. It’s proving to be a pain in the @$$ because several packages say they’re installed but aren’t really, which causes problems when other packages that depend on them check for their real existence. This is particularly fun when building XFree86, since it has a buttload of dependencies. Of course, if I upgrade my system, it only makes sense to go through this all over again so it’s optimized for the new processor.
As far as my weekend goes, I enjoyed the company of beldurnik, czar_sonja and liz4jc4ever seeing Pirates of the Carribbean on Saturday afternoon. It was good. On Sunday Liz and I went to the Beldenville Old Car Show in Ellsworth (yeah … that makes sense, Beldenville is 4 miles north of there after all), then we drove to Durand to visit my good friends Brandy and Jake and their little ones. I had fun playing with Walker. Brooke (or Brookie as she likes to be called) didn’t seem all that interested in playing with me. Kinda has the “eww! boy germs!” thing going on I think…. even though she’s only 2. Walker is a little drool machine. My leg was baptized at least twice… and I apparently sat in a spot at one point because my bum was wet in a location that wasn’t exactly … yeah… nevermind that. :) Anyway, Jake and Brandy are doing well and have a nice house that overlooks a river valley (which is pretty hidden in the summer due to all the trees). Jake is doing some consulting-type work and Brandy is doing web stuff and being a stay-at-home mom. Most importantly, they’re pretty happy with life. :)