

I’m frustrated with Student Senate right now. They want to put some slogans on buttons to raise breast cancer awareness. I think this is a great idea, but the proposed slogans were terrible! I wrote a letter to Student Senate expressing my views and explaining why I was offended by the slogans. I am supposed to meet with Barb in the next day or two. Tomorrow is a very full day for me. I have class from 8-12:40, Env. Ed lab from 2:30-4:30, mandatory meeting at work at 5. I talked to Dr. Forest today to see if I could drive myself to Willow River State Park which is in Hudson so I wouldn’t be crunched for time. She didn’t understand that I needed to drive there because whether or not we were on campus during lab, we would be back at 4:30. The problem is that it’s a 10 min. walk from WEB to the apartment. When we got back, we would be at Rodli…add another 5 minutes to the walk. Once I get to the apartment, I have at least a 20 minute drive to Hudson. I don’t want to be late to the meeting. I would have been pushing it as is. I finally convinced her somewhat that I needed to drive. She wouldn’t listen to my explanation. I give up. I don’t want to deal with the world anymore.

One Response to “Frustration”

  1. tinytom Says:

    all I can say
    All I can say to you is leave it in HIS hands and find out what he is going to do with it. If you believe He will help then everything will be fine. Trust me, I have been lately.

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:D :) ^_^ :( :o 8O :shock: 8) ;-( :lol: xD :wink: :evil: :p :whistle: :woot: :sleep: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :angel: :bandit: :alien:
