baby it’s cold outside

on January 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

It’s cold outside.  Not as bad as it was this morning, but still cold.  I’m getting a little tired of winter today.  I think I’ll like it again when we start getting back into the 20s for highs, but -24°F this morning was a bit much.  At least I didn’t have -38 like my parents did.  Brrr.

I haven’t posted in a while.  I’m not sure I’ll be any better this year about posting than I was last year.  I think I’m going to shoot for once a week.  Last week was my first 5-day work week in two months, due to holidays, vacation days and sick days.  This week was a short week due to holiday.  I actually got to relax for the most part.  The kids were at daycare.  Liz had to work.  I got to stay home and work on projects and catch up on recorded TV.  I did decide that in the future, if I’m going to do a marathon of CSI, I should probably follow it up with something not quite as “heavy”.  It lead to some difficulty sleeping that night.

Work has been going okay.  Juggling projects as usual but thankfully I don’t have any single one that’s causing a lot of distress.  Some coding.  Some upgrading.  Some wedge installs (e.g. installing a wiki software that really prefers UNIX onto a Windows OS).  This morning we had quite a bit of excitement trying to figure out why nearly all of our public-facing services were flaking out.  Finally narrowed it down to one piece of network equipment they all utilized and resolved by failing over to a standby unit.

Tonight is pretty quiet.  Liz is out with friends from church having drinks and cookies (lovely combination, eh?).  Tomorrow she works from 10 to 4 and then Sunday she works 1 to 8.  I really won’t mind the paycheck that comes along with it but this is going to be a long week.  She’s working every day this coming week and then is doing scrapbooking with a friend on Sunday.  I’m trying to arrange a “geek day” for myself for President’s Day … and maybe I’ll get in some outings before then since OmniFest ends Feb. 17th.  I think I’d like to see the Tropical Rainforest film as well as the Wild Safari.

My big project for the weekend (other than staying sane and keeping the children out of too much trouble) is to get the new Dance Theatre website cobbled together enough to “go live”.  I made a lot of progress this past Monday with the basic setup but there’s a lot to do yet.

My system backup just finished (something else I gotta get better at doing more frequently this year) so it’s bedtime for me.   ZZzzzzzz…..

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:D :-) :( :o 8O :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen:
