
I’m beginning to not like Sundays. Just because of church interferring with Laura’s schedule. Her usual nap time is 10:30. Today we were signed up to be greeters for the 10:30 service which meant leaving the house at 10. The service went over and we had to get groceries afterwards. We didn’t get home until […]



I am going to stay on the board for the time being. It seems as though things will be changing. I have tried to adopt a new attitude on life. Since I am home so much and not subbing as much as I would like, I am trying to be as positive about it as […]



I have had another member resign from the Board of Ed tonight. I have been the chairperson of the board since January. This is the 5th resignation so far this year. I just can’t take the stress of it anymore. I’m going to talk to Pastor John tomorrow about me stepping down. I just don’t […]



A thought hit me on the way home today. I’m surprised this logic has not been publicized more… Part of John McCain’s name contains the name Cain. As we know from the Bible, Cain killed his brother Abel and was evil. Therefore, since his name contains Cain, he is also evil. We can’t vote for […]



Just a quick note. Things are going well around here. I’ve started seeing a psychologist which has helped a ton. She is helping me through lots of different things. I am going to start keeping a paper journal again. There are some things that I need to write that I don’t need the world seeing. […]



Things are going ok. I’ve been seeing my therapist which seems to be helping. I am in the process of tapering my meds. My goal is to be totally off by the end of the month. So far I’ve had 1.5 sub days. I’m ready to start working more, but the jobs just aren’t coming […]