
I feel like I have been neglecting this journal. Part of it is that I have been so busy working. This week it was nice being home with her again. I know I made the right decision to stick with subbing for another year. It was so hard to be gone from her all day for 5 days, then for the funeral. We didn’t get much time together on her baptism day. Then it was back to work for 5 more days. Last weekend was a bit full too. Saturday we had Robert’s aunt take Laura’s 3 month pictures. Sunday we went to Woodbury and did lots of shopping. I subbed again on Tuesday this week. I had a great class. I would love to sub in there again. Last night was the first night of LOGOS at church. I am in the nursery again, and it seems like it’ll be an easy group this year. I just hope that Laura can handle it all. I think part of the “neglect” is also from just needing a break from everything.

Now that I am working, things around the house aren’t getting done as much as I would like. I am finding it hard to just shower and clean up for the day anymore. On days that I work, it is a rush in the morning to get Laura fed, get myself ready, and get her stuff packed up for daycare. On days that I am home, I just don’t want to do much other than rest.

I am a little apprehensive about our trip this weekend. It is the longest car ride we’ve taken with her yet. We are heading to Marquette, Michigan area. According to Google, it is a 7 hour drive. I figure once we take into account the little girl, it’ll be closer to 9 hours (if we’re lucky). Instead of coming home on Monday, like we had originally planned, we are heading to DeForest. Robert has a workshop we is attending for work on Tuesday. We’ll come home Tuesday afternoon/evening.

This is just a mini-rant here. Let me start out by saying the I love my husband dearly. He is perfect for me and is a great father. Now, let me also say that I wish I could be him some days. Today he stayed home from work sick. He was able to sleep whenever he wanted without taking into consideration our daughter. He did get up this morning and changed her. After changing her, he brought her in the bedroom and just left her with me as I was very slowly waking up from a nap (I was just exhausted this morning). I am the primary caregiver for her it seems. I don’t mind. I love her to death. It would just be really nice to sleep whenever I wanted some days or just do whatever I wanted without having to worry about when she last ate or when her next nap will be. It’s all a part of being a parent though. It is what I signed up for. I was going to add in something about being able to read all the fine print when you decide to have a baby, but then I thought some more. If you could read it all, one of two things would happen. One being people deciding that they don’t want to go through all of that. Two being even after reading all the fine print (which would take FOREVER), people still wouldn’t fully comprehend what they were getting into. I think I would be in the second group.

I went to pay my sitter today. She invited me in so we had a nice chat this afternoon. Tastefully Simple was brought up at one point. We both agree that a party should be held sometime for the neighborhood. That way I can get to know some of the other women in the neighborhood. I would also invite some of my friends (Mel, Barb, Mandy). Now it is just finding a consultant and setting up a time. I would think it would be fairly easy to do. I can have Robert and Laura go to the basement. :)

Ok, enough rambling. Time for me to get packing and ready for tomorrow morning. My plan is to take off as soon as Laura is up and fed.

One Response to “”

  1. lizzies_mom Says:

    Ah yes
    The Manuel… O how I wish they came with a manual *sight*. I could have written your “I wish I where him” post myself a few times. After feeling like that a lot and being resentful of him sleeping and me getting up at 6am all the time we worked something out. Saturday morning sleep in day! Every Saturday(well most) I get to go back to bed and he gets up with Lizzie. Its great I turn off the baby monitor and lounge in bed for a hr or so. Sometimes I will get up and show him something or get things going but I then go back to bed. It has really helped me feel refreshed and I am a SAHM. Its still a job with NO weekends! So one morning a week to sleep in is heaven for me. I can’t imagine how tired you are being a mom and subbing.
    I hope your trip goes well. I bet Laura will do great. I hope coming up here will not be too big of a stresser. I hope this can be a relaxing weekend. I would gladly watch her so you could sleep in! I know how wonderful that is!!! When we went down there it was a 6hr drive and it took us about 6 1/2 to 7. We would stop long enough to feed her. She did not sleep well in the car so that part was crappy.
    Anyways looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow! We got Laura set up so she can have her own room this weekend.

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:D :) ^_^ :( :o 8O :shock: 8) ;-( :lol: xD :wink: :evil: :p :whistle: :woot: :sleep: =] :sick: :straight: :ninja: :love: :kiss: :angel: :bandit: :alien:
